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This imagine is kinda bad I'm sorry 🤧


You had been best friends with Blaise Zabini since you were 11. You had met him before the sorting ceremony and instantly clicked. He was like your brother. He was very over protective of you.

He had asked you if you could help him with potions homework in his dorm this afternoon, so you got off your bed and grabbed your bag and closed your dorm door behind you and headed to Blaise's dorm.

You knocked on the door, no answer so you quietly open the door thinking it was empty so you were going to wait on Blaise's bed and start the homework.

You open the door to see a shirtless Malfoy. You gasp and he turns around instantly. "Y/n! What are you doing here?" He says quickly pulling a shirt on over his head. You blush. You had quite a thing for Draco, you never told Blaise since he would flip!

"I- I was gonna wait for Blaise in here, sorry Draco I'll come back later." You blush and leave the room.

Shoot I just saw Draco Malfoy Shirtless!

The next day..

As soon as you walk into the great hall for breakfast, you see Blaise sitting with Draco. Well I'm screwed you thought.

"Hey guys!" You smile, trying to ignore the blush forming on your cheeks.

"Hey Y/n/n" Blaise smiles, patting the empty spot next to him. Across from you is Draco, staring into his cereal.

"Draco? Are you ok?" Blaise asks.

"Y/n?" Draco looks up. "Can I talk to you alone for a second?" He asks. You nod and he motions for you to follow him.

He leads you to an abandoned corridor since everyone is in the great hall.

"Yes Draco?" You ask. He leans against a wall staring down at you.

"Draco?" You day again since he didn't answer you, suddenly Draco pushes himself off the wall and presses his lips to yours in a hungry manor.

You gladly kiss him back. The kiss gets heated and soon enough your pushed against the wall with your arms around his neck and his arms around your waist.

"Well what do we have here?" You hear and break the kiss to see your best friend Blaise smirking.

Draco buries his head in your neck and mumbles go away to Blaise while you blush like crazy.

"Oh don't mind me I was just going back to the common room. See you later. Oh and Draco if you hurt Y/n your done for." He smiles and walks off.

"Oops." You giggle and push the hair out of Draco's face.

"Y/n? Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Draco asks putting a hand on your cheek.

"Of course silly!" You laugh and kiss him again.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now