It's gonna be okay

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Warning: slightly triggering.


You couldn't concentrate. Not anymore. You were in lesson and you were just constantly filled with thoughts like 'your too fat' or 'your worthless.' This had been going on for about a month now.

Your boyfriend Draco knew something was up when you asked to be dismissed because you weren't feeling very well. So a few minutes later he asked to be excused too.

Draco walked down the corridor to see you on the floor crying.

He was heartbroken.

He was instantly by your side holding you to his chest, saying everything was going to be okay.

"Y/n what's wrong?"

"I- I'm fat and worthless. How could anyone like me for who I am. It would probably be better if I just disappeared or something. I can't concentrate in lessons anymore because these stupid thoughts are always in my head Draco." You say. Bursting into tears again.

"Y/n. Your not fat or worthless. Your so beautiful, funny, kind and everything about you is just wonderful. I love you for who you are and all your friends and family do. Love, you should of come to me. I could of helped you."

"I know I'm sorry babe." You say looking up at him and smiling for the first time in weeks.

"It's okay, it's not your fault. Let's go to my dorm and cuddle for the rest of the day."

You both get up and start walking back to Draco's dorm.

"Thank you Dray."

"Anytime love."

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now