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You have a daughter in this named Millie :)

Also thank you for 30k reads ❤️


"Okay Millie, remember be good when I'm talking to Mr Malfoy about my job at the ministry." You smile. Millie nods and knocks on the door.

"Ah! Miss L/n, come in." Mr Malfoy smiles and lets you inside.

"You must be Millie, Scorpius is up in his room." He smiles, Millie nods and rubs upstairs to see Scorpius.

"It's funny how our children are the same age and get along. We didn't get along at all in school Y/n." Draco smiles.

"Yeah, they have a couple more years until they attend Hogwarts."

"Speaking of Hogwarts, how is Seamus?" He asks.

You sigh.

"We are no longer together. We thought it be best if we were just friends." You smile sadly. "How is Astoria?" You ask.

"We got a divorce. She had been sleeping with another man for over a year and I caught them in the act." Draco smiles sadly.

"Oh I'm sorry." You say.

"It's alright, it's all in the past now." He smiles and leads you to his office.

For the next few hours, you and Draco were discussing business matters when Scorpius and Millie came into Draco's office.

"Daddy? We're hungry!" Scorpius pouts and hugs Draco's leg.

You smile and pat Millie's head.

"I'm sure Y/n and Millie are very busy."

"I'm actually free this afternoon, Millie would be happy to stay for something to eat if you don't mind." You say.

"Sure, I'm sure Scorpius would be happy that Millie is staying for lunch." Draco smiles and leads you to the kitchen.

When you got to the kitchen you saw the house elves cooking up some soup.

"This smells amazing!" You smile.

"Yeah, it does."

During the afternoon at Malfoy manor, you and Draco seemed to really get along and so did Millie and Scorpius.

Right now you were all outside, you and Draco were sat on the steps leading to the grassy area of the garden and Millie and Scorpius were playing in the grass.

"Mummy? Is Scorpius going to be my new brother?" Millie asks.

You blush.

"No sweetie, me and Draco aren't together."

"I mean we could be." Draco smirks.

"You still seem to be very cocky." You smile.

"Yup." He smiles.

Millie pouts and goes back to playing with Scorpius.

"Y/n, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for bullying you all those years in Hogwarts. I guess I didn't really know how to express my feelings for you." He admits blushing.

"Express your feelings?" You ask.

"Y-yeah, I kinda liked you and those feelings resurfaced today." He blushes even harder.

"I've kinda liked you since Hogwarts too and I still like you." You blush too.

You kiss him on the cheek and smile. He turns to look at you and smiles then kisses you passionately on the lips.

"Ewwww mummy is kissing Draco!"

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now