Curfew pt.2

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Over the past few days, Draco would keep following you around, like a lost puppy.

He'd follow you to the library, he would walk you back to your common room before curfew.

You didn't mind him though, you liked the company since it did get a bit lonely. All your friends were in different classes as you. You were mostly in classes with Draco or the Golden Trio.

"I can help you study if you like." Draco smiles. You nod and head to the library with him again.

"I know a good spot right at the back of the library. Madam Pince won't tell us off for being loud there." He says and leads you to a corner of the library surrounded by the bookshelves. There was also a table there, it was kinda cozy.

"This bit of the library I've never seen before!" You say, looking around before sitting at the table.

"Yeah, it's kinda hard to find with all the bookshelves." He sighs sitting next to you.

"So what do you need to study for?" You ask.

"Potions, even though Snaps gives me a good grade since I'm in Slytherin, I still study so the grade won't drop dramatically and so I know what he's talking about." He chuckles.

You giggle and open your potions text book.

"I need to finish off the potions homework or Snape will kill me." You sigh and get the parchment with your potions homework half written on it out your bag and you start writing the rest of the homework.

"I can help you if you like, what is the homework about?" He asks.

"Shrinking Solution. Snape said we are making the potion next week." He sighs.

Draco nods.

"I'm in your class Y/n." He chuckles.

"Really? I didn't realise! I normally just sit at the back and zone out the whole lesson until Snape shouts at someone." You laugh. Draco smiles and scoots closer to you.

"The bit about Shrinking solution is on this page of the textbook, page 103." He says. You smile and thank him before finishing off the homework.

After around an hour of being in the library with Draco, he walks you back to your common room.

"Thanks again Draco." You smile. He was about to respond when someone interrupted.

"Oi look it's that tiny midget Hufflepuff! Malfoy? Why are you hanging out with your slag of an ex girlfriend? She's so weak!" A Slytherin shouts and all his friends laugh.

"She's my girlfriend again! Leave her alone!" He shouts and all the Slytherins back away not wanting to get into anymore trouble.

"D-Draco? I'm not your girlfriend." You say blushing bright red.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that." He says and puts his hands behind his back.

"It's okay." You smile.

"I'm sorry I screwed up our relationship a couple months ago. I guess I didn't realise back then that you meant so much in my life. I'm really sorry. I have tried to change, for you." He sighs.

"It's okay, I forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes and we all learn from them." You smile.

"I-if you say no I understand but do you think maybe we can try and be a couple again." He asks.

Your in shock. You don't respond for a couple minutes and Draco sighs and looks at the floor.

"Y-yeah I guess you'd say no. Goodnight Y/n." He sighs and starts to walk away.

"W-wait!" You say and run up to him. You press your lips against his and wrap your arms around his neck. He gasps before wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I'll be your girlfriend, again."

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