can we get snacks?

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Sorry I haven't been uploading frequently, I'll try to upload as much as I can 💜

(f/s means favourite show)


"Y/nnn? Are you almost done shopping I'm tired." Draco says.

"Yeah I'm almost done don't worry." You say looking at the food on the isles.

You and Draco were at a muggle supermarket getting food. Normally Draco would stay at home but today he decided to come.

"You wanted to come Dray so don't complain." You smirk.

"I thought it would be more fun than this." He pouts. You smile and peck him on the lips.

"We can get snacks and then we can go home and watch a load of movies." You say, pushing the trolley and walking to the snack isle.

"Can we get chocolate?"

"Sure!" You smile and reach up to get the packet of chocolate.

"Here let me get it Y/n." He smiles and reaches up to get it and put it in the trolley.

You both decide on a few more snacks before you buy everything and apparate home to your apartment you shared.

You immediately put the shopping bags you had in your hands down on the counter and ran to the sofa flopping down on it and hugging one of the pillows.

Draco chuckles and starts to put the shopping away.

"Love, can you help me put the shopping away." He smiles.

"Fine." You giggle and stand up. You walk over to Draco and wrap your arms around his waist.

"I love you." You mumble.

"I love you too." He smiles.

You let go of Draco and start to put everything away, only leaving the snacks out to eat later.

Once you two had finished putting everything away, you both decided to get the snacks and watch tv for a bit before going to bed.

"What are we gonna watch Dray?" You say, sitting down next to Draco and putting your arms around his waist.

"I don't mind Y/n, how about f/s?"

"Yes!" You smile and grab the snacks.

After around an hour of watching f/s, you couldn't keep your eyes open any longer so you fell asleep.

Draco smiled. You looked so peaceful and beautiful. He presses a kiss to your forehead before turning the tv off and falling asleep himself.

These were the moments where you both felt at peace.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now