I'm sorry pt.1

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Sorry I haven't been updating, I'm back now :)


Two years. Two years since the Second Wizarding War. Two years since you had last seen your boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. After one year you eventually gave up on trying to contact him. He split you're heart in two and you'd always thought you'd be together forever. I guess that wasn't the case.

You had recently moved into an apartment in Diagon Alley and got a job at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. You loved the job and your boss was nice.

Today in the shop it wasn't very busy, since children were at Hogwarts and others were working. Until you saw a familiar platinum blonde walk though the door. He was with a brown haired woman. She looked gorgeous.

"Maggie? I need to fill out some paper work upstairs can you serve the customers?" You called. Maggie, your co worker, also one of your close friends. Knew about the Draco situation. Once she saw who was there, she instantly knew you couldn't talk to him, not yet.

Draco's PoV.

Ever since father told me Y/n wasn't good enough. Mother told me to start dating again. I met Astoria Greengrass. She was a year younger than me. She wasn't like Y/n. I missed Y/n like crazy but I didn't know where she went.

As me and Astoria decided to go get ice cream today for a date since she wanted to go on one. As we arrived I saw the same blue eyes I last saw 2 years ago.



This is really short, I'll make a part 2. Sorry I haven't been updating I've been super busy 😅

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