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You wake up alone again feeling ill. You run to the bathroom and puke your insides out..AGAIN! "This can't be happening..we used protection?" You ask yourself. Your husband Draco Malfoy had come home a few weeks ago and it got heated very quickly. Due to his job he had to leave quickly.

You quickly get changed into leggings and one of Draco's dark green jumpers. You grab some muggle cash and teleport to the nearest alleyway near a chemist. You breathe in and walk into the chemist.

'Which one do I get?' You think. 'I'll take a few just in case.' You grab 3 boxes of pregnancy tests and pay for them. You run back to the alley way and teleport back.

Luckily Draco hasn't come back from his work trip in America you think.

You walk into the bathroom and lock the door. Then you use all the pregnancy tests and wait.

You look at all 3 tests. Your pregnant. You couldn't believe you're eyes. You hesitate to send Hermione an owl and that's when the door opens.

"Y/n! Love? I'm home!" Your husband, Draco calls. Crap. You shove the tests in your pocket and walk downstairs.

"Draco!" You smile flinging your arms around his neck and burying your face in his neck. "I missed you." He smiles resting his chin on your head and his arms around your waist. "I missed you too babe." You say. "I'm gonna go make lunch I haven't had anything all day." You smile and let go of him and walk into the kitchen.

As you walk into the kitchen you hear something drop. It's probably Draco putting away his things you thought. As you were making lunch you hear Draco come into the kitchen. "Y/n, love what are these?" He asks. You turn around with your eyes wide. "I-uh...surprise?" You stutter. "I'm gonna be a father?" Draco asks wide eyed. "Y-yeah you're gonna be a father." You say. He suddenly picks you up and kisses you with passion. "I'm gonna be a father!" He smiles and puts you down. He lifts you're hoodie up and starts to speak your tummy.

"Hey little one, it's your dad here. You're one of the best things that has happened to me. You're mum and I are so happy you're coming into the world soon. I love you."

Tears form in your eyes and Draco stands up straight and hugs you tight, kissing you. "I'm gonna be a father!" He beams.

9 months later.

"Come on Y/n one last push!" The nurse calls over you're screams of pain. "You've done it Y/n! You have a baby boy." The nurse smiles at you and Draco. The nurse hands you the baby and Draco puts his arm around you. "Hello little Scorpius ." He says. You look up and smile. "Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy." Draco smiles and kisses you.


I really didn't know how to end it. Sorry if it's crap.

Also thank you for 50 reads 💚

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