uh oh

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Sorry this isn't really long :/

Also requests are closed for the time being. I'm so sorry it's putting to much pressure on me. Hope you can understand:)

[Requested for a person whose birthday it is today! 12/11/20...happy birthday ❤️]


"Oh my god! Look at her skirt haha!!"

"Eww why has she got a stain on the back of her skirt?"

You blush out of embarrassment. Your chest was becoming heavier like weight was being added on. Everyone was looking at you. Laughing at you.

You sighed and covered the stain with your hand and quickly walked down the hall.

You had just started your period and you didn't realise it would be so heavy. So heavy that it would leak through your skirt. You knew you were due abs you forgot to put a pad on!!

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Someone shouted at the people behind you. Everyone went silent.

"Can't you see she's embarrassed? You girls would be the same if your period leaked so don't laugh at her!" They say and grab your arm. They drag you up into the Slytherin common room and up to the boys dorm.

Then they rush out into your dorm and grab something.

"I got you these. I'm sorry I knew where they were. You hid them there and you thought I wasn't looking. It's ok Y/n don't be embarrassed ok?"

You nod and look up at Draco.

"Thank you Draco I'm gonna go clean up I'll be right back." You whisper and quickly go to the bathroom to clean yourself up.

You come back into Draco's dorm in some legging and Draco's quidditch sweater.

"Is that where my sweater went?" He asks.

"Y-yeah sorry I stole it." You blush. He chuckles and drags you onto his lap.

"It's okay. It looks good on you love." He smiles and kisses your cheek.

"Thank you for saving me back there. I didn't realise there was a stain until people started laughing at me." You sigh.

"Don't worry about them Y/n. It wasn't your fault ok? It was Mother Nature's fault." He smiles and buries his head into your shoulder.

You giggle and kiss his head.

"Thank you."

"No problem love."

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now