A Weasley?! pt.1

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Thank you for 4k reads! that means so much to me!

I'm also writing on my computer on the first time haha.

(You're a Weasley and your middle name is Beatrice.)



You turn around to see no other than Draco Malfoy. He was your rival. you hated him. You also thought he was cute but no you couldn't date him anyway. You are a Gryffindor and he's a Slytherin. Not to mention you were Ron Weasley's twin sister.

"What do you want Malfoy?" you ask clutching your books closer to your chest. You were about to go meet Hermione to study with her.

"I just wanted to remind you that you're a pathetic piece of shit and a blood traitor!" He said smirking down at you. All his Slytherin friends were behind him laughing at you.

"At least I don't go running to daddy and telling him about how annoying Potter is." You say turning around and walking down to the library.


"Where have you been?" Hermione whispers as you sit down next to her in the library.

"Malfoy was trying to annoy me again, he's such a prick!" you say getting your potions homework out and a quill.

"I know but you can handle it, you're one of the bravest people I know." She smiles.

"Thanks Hermione." You smile back, starting on your homework.

When you had finished all your homework for the day, you packed your things and headed out the library. Hermione had gone an hour earlier to see what Ron and Harry were up to, leaving you alone to finish your work.

The corridors were empty because it was time to eat. You put your bag away in your dorm and headed down to dinner. You found Ginny and Luna, Ginny was your sister and best friend at the same time. So was Luna you three got along really well.

"Hey Ginny and Luna!" you smile taking a seat next to Luna.

"Hey Y/n." They say. You take some bread and put it on your plate. "How was studying with Hermione?" Ginny says.

"Good I got my potions homework done. At least I won't get in trouble now." You say, "How was your day?" You ask both.

"Alright actually. Snape was annoying but it was fine." Ginny said and Luna nodded and carried on reading her book about strange creatures.


You left the great hall with Ginny and Luna and made your way to the common room. As you entered the common room you saw Ron looking really angry and Harry and Hermione were looking worried.

"What's wrong with Ron?" You ask.

"I think he wants to talk to you, outside might be best." Harry says looking at Hermione worriedly.

You don't question it and follow Ron outside.

"Yes Ron?" You ask.

"Is it true?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You like Draco Malfoy?" He says running a hand through his hair.

You go blink and go wide eyed. How did he find out?

"How did you find out?" You ask raising your voice.

"It doesn't matter! Y/n Beatrice Weasley! He is a Malfoy. A Malfoy! They hate blood traitors and all they care about is wealth and status. Draco especially he is a right prick and bullies you all the time! How could you develop feelings for that dick! I would be happier if you liked Seamus or someone at least they would treat you right." Ron shouts at you.

"I'm sorry but when did you take interest in MY love life. I'm my own person Ron, mind your business and drool over Hermione instead. I know you like her. See you later Ronald."

You were beyond angry. Who knew about your crush? You certainly didn't realise that Draco was a prefect and he was listening to the convosation the whole time.


The next day you slowly made your way to double Potions with Professor Snape. You liked potions but you hated Snape with a passion. You knew Snape liked you more than your brother because you were naturally gifted at potions.

"Ah Weasley you made it on time for once. Your partners with Draco for this semester."

You nod and try not to roll your eyes as you sit beside Draco and get your potions book out to take notes during the lesson.

As you were working Draco kept trying to put his hand on your thigh. You looked at him weirdly before taking his band off your leg. He smirked.

"Weasley! Detention and 5 points from Gryffindor for not doing your work properly. Malfoy! Detention too for not doing any work."

You growl quietly and face away from Draco and continue with your notes.

"The potion you will be making is the Befuddlement Draught. The potion causes the person to become belligerent and reckless. So, if you drink it. Beware. The potion lasts for a couple hours." Snape says in his boring tone.

"The ingredients are in your textbooks. You have until the end of this double period. You may begin."

You stand up and light the caldron. "That was a real dick move Malfoy and stop trying to touch my thigh you creep!" You say finding the right page.

"Don't lie Weasley you liked my hand on your thigh." He smirked and walked away.

You roll your eyes and decide to get the rest of the ingredients.

"Well done Weasley and Malfoy. You may leave and come back for your detention tonight!" Snape says and moves to shout at your brother. You quickly pack your things away and head to your next lesson.


It was well after dinner when you started making your way down to Snape's classroom. The corridors were quiet, and you were dreading detention with Malfoy.

"I'm here Professor." You say as you enter the classroom. Malfoy was already in the classroom. Leaning against one of the desks.

"Good. Now I want you to clean all the dirty caldrons in that pile over there and sort the cupboards behind the cauldrons, so they are tidy you have until the end of your detention. I can trust you two to work sensibly." He says and leaves the room to do god knows what.

"Thanks a lot Malfoy for earning me this detention." You say rolling your eyes. Snape had told you not to bring your wands because you wouldn't need them so here you were using your hands to put the books back. Not that you were complaining, it was just quicker using your wand.

"Oh, shut it Weasley. You gave me a detention because you were fussing about me putting my hand on your thigh."

"Yeah but that's my thigh not yours or Pansy's." you say laughing when you were talking about Pansy.

"Don't you see it Y/n? I like you too that's why I put my hand on your thigh, that's why I've been annoying you for years! It because I'm practically in love with you!" He says lifting you up and putting you on a desk and smashing his lips against yours. You don't hesitate to put your arms around his neck pulling him closer.

"I'm sorry for annoying you all these years, I didn't know how to tell you. Please be my girlfriend?" He asks pushing hair out your face.

"Of course, I'll give you a chance and how did you know about me liking you?" you say.

"I'm a prefect afterall. I was walking down the corridor." He says smirking. You blush.

"You dickhead." You say and kiss him. You were lucky you didn't get caught by Snape.


Part 2 out in a couple of days, the UK is in lockdown and I have nothing to do so I'm updating a lot 🥳

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