Happy birthday Draco!

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Happy birthday Draco!! ❤️

I'm also going to be taking a little break from writing so I won't be posting for a couple of days. I hope you all understand <3


"Draco? Wake up baby."


Draco rolls over and opens his eyes.

"Happy birthday Draco." You smile and cuddle into his side.

"Thank you love." He smiles.

"Dad! Happy birthday!" Scorpius shouts as he opens the bedroom door.

You smile and get up to make breakfast.

"I'm going to make pancakes! Scorpius can you come help me? Draco you go watch tv or something." You say.

"Jeez your bossy today mum." Scorpius says, yawning.

"Well it's your fathers 40th birthday today and I want to make it as special as possible!" You smile and tie your hair up.

"Scorpius, you get the whipped cream and strawberries out and I'll mix the batter."

"Okay mum."

After you make pancakes for Draco, you also make pancakes for everyone else.

"Okay put the pancakes on the table and I'll go get Draco." You say and leave to go find Draco.

"Draco? Come on baby, we made pancakes for you." You smile.

Draco was sat on the sofa reading a book.

"Okay, your cooking is always been the best." Draco smiles and takes your hand, you lead him to the dining room where Scorpius and the house elves are setting up the table.

"Thank you." You smile at the house elves as they leave.

All three of you sit down and dig into the pancakes.

"These are amazing Y/n!" Draco says, finishing off his pancakes.

"It wasn't just me who made them, Scorpius also helped me." You smile.

"What do you want to do today Draco?" You ask.

"I don't mind love." He smiles.

"How about we open your presents first and then decide what to do." You say.

Soon enough, you are passing Draco the presents you and Scorpius got him. More presents arrived by owl, some from Draco's friends and from his parents.

"Thank you, I love you both." Draco smiles as he opens his last present.

"No problem dad!" Scorpius smiles. You use your wand to get rid of all the wrapping paper.

"Okay, I have found a really nice place to watch the sunset together! How about we go there after dinner?"

"Yeah, that sounds nice love." Draco smiles and kisses you forehead.

You hear an 'ewww gross' from Scorpius. You both laugh.

You had an amazing day with Draco and Scorpius for Draco's birthday.

You all swam in the lake out in the garden and watched a load of muggle films.

"Are you guys ready?" You ask.

"Yeah, lets go mum!" Scorpius says, putting his coat on and grabbing onto your hand. Draco holds your other hand you all three of you apperate to a cliff with a beautiful view.

You all sit down near the edge and wait for the sun to go down.

Draco puts an arm around you and you lean into his shoulder. You grab Scorpius's hand and you wait.

"This is peaceful." You smile.

"Yeah, thank you for the best birthday you two." Draco smiles.

"No problem dad." Scorpius says.

"Look! The sun is going down."

You watch the beautiful sunset, it's peaceful and nice to have family time like this.

"Happy birthday Draco."

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now