We all get sick sometimes..

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Okie people so a couple of you gave me some ideas for some imagines and they are amazing ideas lol so thank you <3

I'll try get most of them done so I'm sorry if I don't get all of them done :)


"Y/n? Have you seen Scorpius today?" Draco asks.

"No why? I thought he would come down for breakfast around about now." You say, sipping on your tea that you made earlier.

"I'll go wake him up if he's still asleep." Draco says, kissing your head as he walks past to wake up Scorpius.

"Y/n! Can you come up stairs?" Draco shouts. Your confused and go upstairs to Scorpius's room.

You find Scorpius lying in bed groaning and Draco's hand on his head.

"He's quite sick." Draco sighs.

"I'll go get some medicine from downstairs." You say quickly rushing down to find some medicine to give to your son.

After searching around for a couple of minutes, you find some medicine and some water to take back up to Scorpius.

"Here you go Scorp, I'll go make some breakfast for you." You smile.

"Thanks mum, love you." He says, taking the medicine.

You smile and head down stairs to make Scorpius some breakfast.

As soon as you get downstairs, you see Draco already making breakfast for Scorpius.

You wrap your arms around his waist and put your head on his shoulder.

"Hello love." He says, turning the oven off. You smile and get a place out so he can put the pancakes he made for Scorpius and then put the dirty cooking utensils in the sink.

"I'll go get Scorpius to come down, can you put his breakfast on the table?" Draco asks, taking off his apron. You nod and take his breakfast to the table.

After Scorpius had eaten his breakfast, you would thought it would be best if he stayed down stairs in the living room, just in case he needed anything.

During the day, Scorpius threw up once but gradually got better as the day went on.

A couple of days later Draco got sick but it wasn't as bad as what Scorpius had.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now