Dating Draco Malfoy would include pt 2..

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I'm thinking of making my own cover for my imagines book since I found the current one on Pinterest lol.



- Draco would take you on Romantic dates all the time.

- After the battle of Hogwarts he proposed to you and you had a simple yet elegant wedding.

- He loves to cuddle! Draco Malfoy is like a teddy bear

- He's very protective of you, especially when other guys try to flirt with you

- Favourite place to kiss you = your lips/your neck

- lots and lots of hickies! (Especially on your neck hehe)

- Draco's mother loves you! Your like a daughter to her

- Draco's father not so much but he still approves of you

- You helped Draco through his sixth year (you knew about him being a death eater)

- Once you turned the legal had lots of sex (HAhHaha oh damn)

- Your parents adore Draco

- During the holidays you get lots of presents and letters from Draco because he misses you so much, you do the same because you miss him a lot too

- Study dates

- Detentions together

- you most likely both got detention because the teachers caught you kissing in the hallway

- you sleep in his dorm in his bed most nights since you had frequent nightmares

- Him overall being a HUGE softie around you

- He gives the best hugs

- You joined DA and when he found out he didn't speak to you for two weeks until he found you crying in the corridor at night and pulled you to his chest and kissed you. He was heartbroken to see you so sad
(Might do an imagine based on this)

- Him saying 'I love you' first and you were over the moon and straight away saying it too


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