Just a bet?

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(This imagine is one of the suggestions)

Okay! Hello people! Thank you for all the great suggestions that you guys sent in. I appreciate it!

What I've decided is that I'm going to pick six to nine at random and write them since there is about 20 ideas/requests and I don't think I will have time to write them all I hope you can all understand ❤️

Anyways this is probably the longest imagine I've wrote! It's 1350+ words long lol.

Anyways enjoy :)


I was minding my own business when Malfoy came out of nowhere with Pansy and started snogging her.

It was GROSS!

"Ahem, can't you two shove your tongues down each others throats somewhere else?" You snap.

"Why? You jealous L/n?" Draco smirks.

"No ew, it's just not very nice to see you snogging a pig in the corridor every second." You say. Pansy shrieks and you snort and walk past them with sass.

The next day you were talking to a Ravenclaw boy about the Charms test that was coming up while you two were walking down the corridor.

"Oi! L/n move out the way!" Draco says and pushes you out the way.

"What was that for you idiot!" You shout.

"Because you shouldn't be talking to useless mudbloods!" He says, smirking.

"Your probably just jealous Draco, get over it!" You say and lead the poor Ravenclaw boy into the classroom.


"Draco! Why are you always gossiping over Y/n? Do you like her?" Blaise asks smirking.

"N-no she's so annoying! God I don't know why she's even in our house!" Draco says.

Draco and Blasie were both in their dorm talking. Crabbe and Goyle were currently fast asleep, snoring loudly.

"They snore does loudly." Blaise complains. Draco nods.

"I know! I have the best idea!" Blaise exclaims.

"What is it?" Draco asks.

"Okay, date Y/n for a week and then I'll set you up with Sarah." He smirks.

(Sarah is a really slutty girl in Slytherin)

"Okay! Deal." He smirks, shaking Blaise's hand.

"I'll ask her in the morning. I'm gonna get some sleep." He says and lies down, letting sleep take over him.

The next morning, he gets up and gets ready to ask out Y/n.

As he starts to approach Y/n, he starts to get nervous.

'Why are you so nervous Draco? Just think about it, in a week you'll be with Sarah.' He thinks. He sighs and then goes up to Y/n smirking.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now