I have loved you since we were kids.. pt.2

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You drop down to where Draco was lying and panic.

You look at Harry with pure anger and he looks down to the floor.

Snape storms in suddenly and also drops down to the floor and takes his wand out, muttering a spell that seeps all the blood back into Draco's body.

After the incident, Draco was sent to the hospital wing and you waited by his side for him to wake up.

You didn't go to any classes as you waited by Draco's side.

"Madam Pomfrey when do you think Draco will wake up?" You ask her as she was putting away some potions.

"I don't know dear, maybe today or tomorrow since the potion that I gave the boy, the effects are still wearing off.

You nodded and smiled then took Draco's hand still waiting for him to wake up.

It was late at night and you were about to fall asleep.

Your back was hurting so you got under the covers next to Draco and snuggled up to him.

"Please wake up Draco, I really want you to wake up." You say, tears threading to spill from your eyes.

Soon your too tired and end up half asleep next to Draco.

During the time Draco woke up and slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes.

He looked down and saw you sleeping soundly next to him.

He smiled and pushed some hair out of your face.

"You actually stayed here with me." He smiles and lies down next to you and faces you.

"Even though you can't hear me because your asleep, thank you for staying with me. I've loved you since we were kids and I know you probably don't like me back but I just wanted to tell you even if your asleep. Who am I kidding, you'd never like me." He sighs, rolling onto his back and staring up at the ceiling.

Little did he know during the entire time you were half awake listening to Draco. You smiled still with your eyes closed.

You wrap your arms around his waist and bury your face in his chest.

"Y-Y/n?" He says.

You open your eyes and smile.

"H-hi Draco." You say.

"You heard the whole thing that I said?!" He says, his eyes widening.

"Y-yeah, um I've liked you since we were kids too." You stutter.

He smiles and leans down to kiss your lips.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.

"Of course."

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