Forever & Always

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A/N: your in 6th year, your house is slytherin & your a pure blood. (You'll see why)

Happy slytherin pride day! 💚


You were a pretty normal student at Hogwarts. Good grades, good friends, good looks as some people would say. The one thing that you were often teased about was your ex. Draco Malfoy.

You and Draco started dating at the start of your third year. You dated for 2 and a half years until he said 'I met someone else.' And left you in the corridor crying your eyes out.

You had never gotten over Draco but you were slowly forgetting him. Sure you stayed in your dorm and cried for 3 weeks but then you soon realised what a waste of time that was and got up.

Right now you were dating a cute boy named Jacob Beckett. He was a Gryffindor. You had been dating him for around 4 months now but you didn't like him in that way, you just wanted to get over Draco.

"Babe? Baby? We need to study, Flitwick isn't gonna be happy if we don't do his essay." You boyfriend chuckles and wraps an arm round you. You fake a smile.

This didn't go unnoticed by Draco. He grew jealous of Jacob. He was still heartbroken too. He had to break up with you because of his father and how he became a death eater over the summer.

You still had feelings for Draco and it wasn't right of you to lead Jacob on so you told him right then and there in the library that you simply liked someone else and left him.


As you were walking down the corridor, you were surprised that it was empty, except for one silhouette in the shadows.

You knew exactly who it was and decided to keep on walking past him like he wasn't there.

Obviously that failed.


You mentally curse before turning round with a small smile on your face.

"Draco." You say looking at the blonde boy.

"It's been a long time since we've spoke." He says not looking up at you.

"I guess, yeah." You say

He stood up from leaning against the wall and turned to face you. For a minute you thought he was going to leave you alone until he wrapped his arms around you. You could hear quiet sniffs. He was, crying?

You hesitantly put your arms around his neck burying your head in his chest since you were quite small. You thought about the old times when you were dating. It made you smile.

"Draco? What's wrong?" You say still hugging him.

He hesitated before letting go of you, lacing your fingers together and letting him lead you somewhere.

He lead you to the room of requirement. You were confused. Why would Draco take you to the room of requirement?

You stay silent and let him lead you inside. He takes you to a tall black wardrobe type thing. He stops and keeps your hand in his. He takes a deep breath.

"Y/n, please don't freak out when I tell you this. I know you may not love me but your the only person I trust." He says. You look up into his eyes. They are full of hesitation. You take both of his hands.

"It's okay Dray, you can tell me anything." You say reassuring him.

He takes a deep breath.

"I'm a death eater....please don't freak out. I had to break up with you because of my father and I couldn't get you involved in this bullshit. I'd risk loosing you but right now I think you deserve to know." He says, tears in his eyes.

"Draco, it's okay. Let me help you. I'll be a death eater if I have to, to stay with you. Anything for you." You say.

"No it's too dangerous love." He says letting go of your hands and putting them on your waist. You rest your hands on his chest.

"Draco, if I become a death eater I'll help you. Anything for you...I love you, I always have." You admit looking down.

He lifts your chin up. "I love you too." Says pulling you into a kiss.

"If you do become a death eater I promise to protect you. Your the only person I have left I couldn't loose you." He says pulling you into a proper hug now.

"I'm not going anywhere Dray." You smile and pull in down for another kiss.

"Be mine again L/n?" He asks

"Always Malfoy" You smile.

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