Hard to get

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Draco is looking fine in that picture 🥵🥵


"Why is she always turning you away Malfoy? Every girl wants to be with you! I'm sure they are more willing to be with you then Y/n!" Crabbe says before munching a cupcake.

Draco sighs and stops staring at Y/n.

"That's the thing though, I would rather be with Y/n because she's hard to get and won't sleep around behind my back. She's so much more beautiful than all the other girls combined." He says.

Crabbe nods.

"I'm sure one day she will say yes Draco." He says. Draco nods and stands up to go back to his common room.

Y/n waves at her friends and then runs up to Malfoy.

"Hi Draco." She says innocently.

Draco stares at her in shock before clearing his throat.

"Hey Y/n. How are you?" He asks, putting his arms behind his back.

"I'm good, could I possibly borrow your potions book? I left mine in my dorm and I was going to go to the library to finish the homework." She says.

Draco nods and gets it out his bag.

"Can I come with you? It can be like a study date." He says smirking.

Y/n shakes her head.

"No, I really need to get this done. Bye Draco! Maybe another time." She says before walking off to the library.

Draco sighs in defeat before walking back to the common room.


It was late at night. Everyone had gone to sleep.

Draco couldn't sleep, he was doing last minute homework for tomorrow.

He heard the door open. He looked up. He saw a girl walk in, looking exhausted and holding a couple of books while her bag was on her shoulder.

Draco smiles slightly.

"You look cute when your tired." He says.

Y/n jumps and looks at Draco.

She smiles slightly.

"Can you help me with my homework? I'm not really getting it." He admits.

Y/n nods. His eyes widen a bit. He thought Y/n would refuse and go to her dorm like she normally would when she came back.

She sits down next to Draco.

"I'm only helping you because I pity you." She says, opening her charms book and reading Draco's homework.

"All you need to do is explain how you casted the spell like the steps Draco. It's very simple." She giggles slightly.

He blushes.

"I-oh I thought we had to do something else. I guess it is kind of easy then." He says. He knew what he had to do. He just wanted to be around Y/n.

Y/n yawns.

"You should go to sleep." Draco says, not looking up from his homework that he was now working on.

"I don't want to though. I want to stay down here." She admits.

Draco smiles slightly and hesitantly pulls Y/n into his chest.

"You can sleep here if you want." He says.

Y/n nods.

"I guess it's better then sharing a dorm with Pansy and her bitchy gang." She says before closing her eyes.

"Goodnight Draco." She says, kissing his cheek before closing her eyes again.

"G-good night Y/n." He says before closing his eyes himself.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now