Better than him pt.2

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Lol sorry this is so bad also thank you sm for 330k reads holy shit-


"Y/n! Wait for me!"

Y/n turns around and is immediately engulfed in a hug.

She gasps before putting her arms around Draco.

"Are you good?" She asks.

Draco nods and kisses her forehead.

"Yeah since your my friend and I had a shitty day, I thought I would give you a hug." He says.

Y/n giggles before taking his hand and outside to the courtyard.

"Why are we here?" Draco pouts sitting down next to Y/n who was pulling out her notes from the last lesson she had.

"Why are you studying? Take a break!" Draco says, taking Y/n's notes from her and shoving them in his bag.

Y/n gasps and pouts.

"That's not fair!" Y/n whines and crosses her arms.

"Aw cheer up Y/n, you can study later." Draco says, putting an arm around his shoulders.

Y/n blushes and smiles up at Draco.

Draco smiles back at her. He slowly leans in when..

"She's right over there! Talk to her you git!"

Y/n looks away from Draco and sees Harry and Ron shouting at each other.

She frowns. Draco looks where Y/n is looking and also frowns.

"Don't worry about him Y/n." Draco says. Y/n nods and kisses Draco on the cheek.

"I'll see you later." She smiles at the blushing Slytherin and walks off to find Pansy.

"Y/n! Wait up!"

Y/n turns around and frowns. Ron was coming after her.

She turns around and keeps on walking.

"Y/n! Please." Ron says stopping and sighing.

Y/n turns around and crosses her arms.

"What do you want Weasley." Y/n says.

"Oh- um you dropped his." He says, handing her a note.

Y/n sighs and takes the note. She then nods and walks away.

As she was heading back to the Slytherin common room.

She opens the piece of paper.


Hey Y/n

Would you ever date me again?

Yes☻︎.                      No☹︎


Y/n angrily circles no and and shoves it in her pocket.

"Motherfucking piece of sh-,"

"Hey Y/n? Are you alright?" Pansy asks.

Y/n nods and walks back to the common room with her.

The next day, her and Draco were sat in Charms.

"Hey Y/n? Have you got the note?" Seamus asks.

Y/n gets it out her pocket and crumbles it in a ball. She then throws it at Ron's head who groans and looks confused.

He then picks up the piece of paper and reads it.

He turns around and looks at Y/n

"Why won't you go out with me again?" He asks sighing.

"Because your a cheat-,"

"Because she's my girlfriend now you twat, leave her alone." Draco sneers and presses his lips into Y/n's.

She gasps and kisses back.

The whole room goes silent. In that moment, Y/n was so happy that the professor was late.

Ron gasps and turns around.

Y/n smiles at Draco.

"So does this mean I'm your girlfriend now?" She asks.

Draco nods and wraps his arm around her. She smiles.

"Hello! Sorry I'm late!" Professor Flitwick says coming into the room.

Y/n groans.

Draco laughs at her and kisses her forehead.

He was so glad that Y/n was his now.

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