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The UK has been put into lockdown for another three weeks. I am starting to loose my mind lol

[UPDATE] - Thank you for 6k reads! <3


You were walking to Transfiguration in tears. Your boyfriend of 6 months, Alex had just dumped you for another girl. You were in Hufflepuff. You were a sweet and kind girl. A lot of people adored you because of how sweet and nice you were.

Draco Malfoy, the schools bully, or Slytherin Prince had noticed you quite a lot these few weeks. He noticed how pretty you were or how you would often spend your time in the library finishing off homework or just simply reading. Draco Malfoy had a crush on you.

You were completely oblivious to the fact that the Slytherin prince had a crush on you. He would never really talk to you or even take interest in you. Until Professor McGonagall had put you next to each other in Transfiguration.

At first, he was rude and annoying but over a few weeks he started to open up more and be nicer to you. That was until he found out you had a boyfriend. Draco was jealous.

"Miss L/n you are late." Professor McGonagall said.

"Sorry professor it won't happen again." You say and sit down next to Draco, pulling your Transfiguration book, paper, and a quill out. You wipe your tears away and start to listen to Professor McGonagall.

"L/n? Why are you crying?" Draco asks. You roll your eyes.

"Alex dumped me." You simply say. Not looking up from your paper you were writing on. Draco was happy. He could maybe finally have a chance with you.

The bell rang so you put your things away and headed towards your friends since it was the end of the day.

You and your friends, Ernie, Hannah, and Zacharias were all sitting outside talking. This was the best bit of your shitty day. When you found the you obviously told then what happened, and they were not happy with Alex.

"Alex was a bit of a douche away." Ernie said. You all agreed.


You turned around to see Malfoy coming towards your group.

"Yes Malfoy."

"I need your help on the work we did in Transfiguration today. Meet me in the library in 10 minutes." He said and simply walked away from your group.

You turn around to see your friends shocked.

"What?" you say laughing and standing up to head to the library. "See you guys later!" you call as you turn to walk away to the library.


"So, what do you want Malfoy?" you ask as you sit down next to him.

"I just wanted to spend time with you. Is that a crime?" he says resting his head in his hand smirking at you.

"Fine, but I'm going to study as we are in the library."

As you study you and Draco would also talk. Getting to know each other. Over the next few weeks, you would meet Draco around the school. He became of your closest friends. Soon you realised you liked him, so when he kissed you in the corridor before curfew, you kissed him back. You two were a couple and you could not have been happier.

Currently you were sat on Draco's lap outside in the courtyard. Draco's friends had taken a liking to you since you were now Draco's girlfriend, so they did not mind even if you were in Hufflepuff.

"Baby? I have to go back to the common room now, ill see you later eh?" you say.

"Sure, baby I'll see you later."

When you got back to the common room you saw your friends sitting on the sofa.

"Hey guys!" you say smiling at them. But that suddenly changed when they did not smile back.

"What's wrong?" you ask.

"Malfoy." Hannah says.

"What about Draco?" you ask her.

"You've changed your not the girl we know anymore. My Y/n would never just let someone bully anyone else or even be late to lesson or even get detention. You've changed Y/n because of your asshole boyfriend!" Ernie says almost shouting at you.

"I've changed? At least I have changed for the better. Alex treated me like shit for months and all you guys did was watch from afar. Draco treats me like a proper human being, and he loves me for who I am! At least I changed for the better and not the worse!" you say storming out of the common room.


You turn around to find Draco.

"Draco!" you smile and wrap your arms around his waist.

"You would never leave me, right?" you ask him.



Very crappy ending but I did not know how to really end it oof.

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