We are over pt.1

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I'm curious what Hogwarts house do you think I'm in? Also what house are you in?

Enjoy this imagine <3


Alone. That is how you felt. There was a party in the Slytherin common room. The room was cramped with people. Slytherin had thrown a party to celebrate their latest win against Gryffindor in a quidditch match.

You were sat on the sofa, alone in the common room. Your boyfriend Blaise was nowhere to be seen.

He had left you alone once you had arrived. He probably had gotten drunk. You see, you and Blaise weren't on good terms. You two kept arguing over little things and overtime it felt like he had almost replaced you with other girls, but you were almost too blind to see it.

Draco on the other hand wasn't. He was Blaise's best mate. He knew how much pain he had caused you. He had seen your smile fade over the months.

It wasn't a secret that Draco had a soft spot for you. He was there to comfort you at your darkest times.

You two weren't close before you started dating Blaise but you got to know him eventually.

You quietly sipped on your drink as you looked around the room. The music coming out the radio loudly and people were very loud.

As time went on, you felt more uncomfortable. You were about to stand up and leave the common room before someone sat next to you. It was Draco.

"I take it your not much of a party person." He says sipping on his drink he had in his hand.

"I guess, I was going to stay with Blaise but he ditched me, again." You sigh.

"Hey Y/n." You turn around to see a girl, she had long blonde hair and her makeup was slightly smudged. You could tell she was drunk.

You look at her, confused.

"Your boyfriend is a good kisser, I'm surprised he is still with you. He could do so much better than you." She smirks before stumbling off.

Your heart sinks and your smile fades. Sure you and Blaise were having relationship problems but you didn't think he would go that low to cheat on you.

"Hey, Y/n. It's alright. That girl was drunk. I'm sure he isn't cheating on you." Draco reassures you. You sigh and stand up.

"I'm going to find him."


It was very late into the night and the party was still going, still lots of people about. You found it hard to squeeze past people.

Draco was following behind you. He knew something would go down.

Soon you found Blaise.

He was talking to a girl. It looked like they were flirting. You felt sick.

Suddenly the girl stepped forwards and kissed him. You stood there frozen. You weren't very surprised though. The girl from earlier was right.

"Wow Blaise, I didn't know you would stoop that low sweetheart."

Blaise pulls away from the girl and looks at you, his eyes go wide.

"O-oh hey babe." He awkwardly says.

The girl smirks at you. You frown at her.

"Well seeing as your cheating on me, I think it's fair I go around cheating too." You smirk at him.

You grab Draco by the collar and smash your lips onto his. (I'm sorry I found this funny for about 10 minutes..ok sorry I will stop now lol)

Draco looked surprised. He gladly kisses you back.

You break the kiss after a couple of seconds and look at Blaise.

"Oh, Blaise honey. We are over."


I'm gonna make a part two :D

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now