Missing you

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Honestly I wrote this at 1am..it's a bit shit but heh

Also thank you for all the comments that are coming in on the 100th imagine special thingy❤️


"Y/n I can't, please don't do this.." Draco says, holding Y/n's hand tightly.

"B-but why, you said we would always stay together no matter what Draco." You say, stuttering and looking down at your feet.

"I'm a horrible monster...I don't deserve you."


Those words lingered in your head for days.

It had been days since Draco broke up with you. You missed him. His touch. His smell. The way he smiled at you. The way he looked at you like you were the only person on this planet.

1 year and Draco ended it by saying he wasn't good enough.

You always thought that you weren't good enough...you were a half blood. A half-blood Gryffindor.

His father didn't approve of you. All the Slytherins would look at you like you were complete shit.

You were always insecure about yourself and everyone looking at you and judging you made your insecurities worse. Plus your boyfriend breaking up with you isn't helping either.

"Y/n? Are you coming to eat?" Hermione says, putting her book away and standing up from her bed.

"I-I don't know Hermione...I just feel like everyone will judge me and laugh at me." You say, looking down.

"Y/n, your beautiful and amazing. Don't worry about anyone else..they are just jealous of how amazing you are...also not eating causes problems so come on let's go eat!" Hermione says and drags you out the dorm.

You make your way silently next to Hermione and into the great hall. A couple people notice your presence.

You hated attention. You were glad that no one really noticed your presence.

"Here let's go take a seat with Harry and Ron." She says and leads you to an empty spot on the bench.

"It's about time you two came." Ron says, shoving food into his mouth.

"Stop shoving so much food into your mouth at once! It's Disgusting!" Hermione says, slapping his arm since she was sat next to him. Ron shrugs his shoulders and continues to eat.

You were sat next to Harry, you two were sat facing the Slytherin table.

Your eyes immediately darted for Draco.

You saw him, staring into space. Not eating a thing. You frowned and shook your head.

'Just get over him already...you'll find someone else...right?'

You sighed and started to eat.

"I'll see you guys later, I'm going to the astronomy tower to to star gaze." You say and walk the opposite direction to the golden trio.

They all look at you confused as you left but all headed back to the Gryffindor common room.

You make your way up the winding stairs. You see a figure leaning against the railings.

Your eyes widen. You knew who it was. You quickly turn around and try to head back down the stairs when a hand grabs your wrist and prevents you from going anywhere.

Then your back crashes into someone's chest.

You knew who it was. Your heart was racing. You were shaking. You didn't want to be here.

"I-I'm sorry." They say.

"I-I uh-,"

They spin you around and you crash into their chest one again.

Their arms wrap you in a warm hug.

"I can't live without you...I'm sorry I broke up with you..I tried to push you away. I'm a terrible person." He says, burying his head in your shoulder.

You sigh and hesitantly wrap your arms around the tall figure.

How you missed how he made you feel protected.  

"We all make mistakes Draco....however your not a horrible monster, your an amazing human being." You say.

"Thank you." He says.

"Anytime Draco."

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now