Too emotional

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You were pregnant. Since months pregnant to be exact, with your first child. Lately, Draco had been working from home a lot and you never really got to see him. Every time you tried to speak to him, we would be go rude towards you. You knew he was stressed so you tried to make him feel better by cooking meals for him.

Today you had quite a bad day, your back hurt because of your baby bump and they had ran out of your favourite type of chocolate at the local muggle store. Since you were pregnant, you had been craving lots of food.

You knock on Draco's office door. You hear a faint 'come in' before entering the room.

"Hi Dray." You say, standing near his desk with one of your hands on your baby bump.

"What do you want Y/n?" He asks. You frown.

"Can you take a break from working and cuddle with me for a bit?" You ask. He sighs and shakes his head.

"No Y/n, I'm busy. Maybe later." He says. You were very annoyed now. Everytime you would ask him to give you a hug or even a kiss he's say no because he was 'too busy' and your had enough of it.

"You know what Draco. You never make time for me anymore, all you care about is money and your popularity! Just like when you were in school! You never make time for me anymore! Your always working and I'm tired of it!" You snap.

"Stop being so emotional Y/n! I'll come to bed soon." He snaps back.

"No, I don't want to see you for the rest of the night!" You say with tears in your eyes before walking out the room and slamming the door.

You didn't want to sleep in the same bed as Draco so you tried to find a guest room that was far away from your shared room with Draco.

After looking around for a couple minutes, you remembered there was a tiny guest room on the second floor. You and Draco's bedroom was on the top floor so you knew he wouldn't find you that easily.

You had your pjs already on so you quickly climbed into the bed and cried yourself to sleep.

When Draco was finished his work for the day, he went up to your shared room, thinking he'd find you there but you weren't. He frowned and went to check some of the guest rooms and the living room. He couldn't find you anywhere until he found the tiny guest room at the back of the mansion on the second floor.

He opened to door to find you fast asleep. He saw your red puffy eyes and knew you had cried yourself to sleep.

He sighs and takes off his work clothes so he's just in his underwear. Then he climbs into the bed with you and holds you close to his chest.

"I'm sorry Y/n." He says. You woke up when he came into the room. You squeeze your eyes shut so more tears don't go running down your face.

"I know I shouldn't of shouted at you or anything. You pregnant and I know your more emotional then you usually are. I was just stressed about work. I'm really sorry Y/n. I hope you can forgive me. I love you honey, goodnight." He says before kissing your shoulder and shutting his eyes.

You turn around and he instantly opens his eyes. You smile at him.

"It's okay Draco. I understand. I love you too sweetie." You say, stroking his hair and kissing his lips slightly.

He smiles and pulls you close.

"Hey Y/n? Why did you choose the smallest guest room in the house?"

You laugh and shrug your shoulders.

"Because I was annoyed and I didn't want to be anywhere near you!" You say and close your eyes again.

Draco smiles and kisses your head before going to sleep himself.

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