Crushing on you

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I have to go into school tomorrow for an exam even though in the UK we are in a full

Anyways here is a imagine that someone requested!

I hope you enjoy! <3


"Hey Y/n!"

You hear your name being called. You look up from your lap where your book was. It was a potions book. You were currently reading the chapters you needed to complete for homework.

In front of you stood Draco Malfoy.

You did not know what to do. You were in Slytherin. You were a shy person and did not really like speaking to others.

You had never really spoken to Draco. Only if he asked you for the answers potions or to copy your notes.

You liked to be alone. Since you did not have many friends, except for Pansy but you really did not speak to her much since she had her own friend group. Let us just say they weren't really your type of people you wanted to hang around with.

Draco sits next to you. You see his friend group standing at the other side of the courtyard. You were very confused on why he had come to speak to you.

"Hello Malfoy." You say timidly.

"L/n, I'm really confused about the potions homework. Do you think you can help me?" He asks, looking straight at you. You widen your eyes a bit and look straight ahead of you.

You really did not like making eye contact with others. That is how shy you were.

"I mean, I'm free after class this afternoon." You say, looking down at your skirt.

"Great! I will meet you in the library later." He says and stands up. He puts his black leather bag over his shoulder and then leaves.

You sigh. You were quite nervous for later. Sitting next to Draco in potions was already stressful for you, but sitting next to him in the library, alone for a couple hours was going to be even more stressful since you did have a little crush on him.

-End of the Day-

"Remember to complete your homework for the end of the week!" Flitwick says as everyone is rushing out the door.

You stand up and grab your books before shoving them in your bag and heading out the door to the library to meet Draco.

You enter the library very quietly. You were surprised to see Draco already at a table.

You walk up to the table and sit down next to him.

He stops writing at looks at you.

"Hi Y/n." He smiles. Your eyes widen slightly. He has never smiled at anyone like that before.

"Hi Malfoy." You say and get your potions book from out your bag.

"No need to call me Malfoy, Y/n. You can call me Draco if you want." He speaks. You nod and smile slightly.

He chuckles a bit and goes back to reading chapter 14 of the potions book at the homework was based on.

"You should smile more often. You look cute when you smile." He says, not looking up from his book. You blush.

"O-oh thank you, Draco." You speak.

He chuckles again.

"So, can you help me with his homework?"

-Two Hours later-

"Thanks for your help Y/n." He speaks.

You were both walking out the library. It was almost time to eat so you were both heading to the great hall.

"No problem, Draco." You smile.

"Hey Y/n? Are you free this Saturday?" He asks.

You look up at him.

"Yeah, I'm free on Saturday. Why?" You ask.

"Well, I want to take you out to Hogsmeade. Not on a date! Unless you want to go on a date." He says, blushing slightly.

You laugh.

"Of course, Draco! I'll see you on Saturday." You smile before going to sit next to Pansy in the Great Hall.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now