Yule ball

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(The dress above is your yule ball dress, you can change the colour if you want to)


You were in your fourth year. The year was going well. The Triwizard Tournament had started. The first task was a few months ago and you were cheering for your good friend Harry Potter. Draco your best friend of the other hand was really annoyed at you were cheering for 'saint potter' but you didn't care.

This was because Draco had a huge crush on you. He has had a crush on you since he met you on the train 4 years ago. You were the only person that understood him, and he was thankful that he met you. In his eyes you were the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts. Draco's father however didn't really approve you his crush due to him not really knowing your parents very well and other complications. But that didn't stop Draco.

The Yule ball was in a few weeks and you were excited. You hadn't got a date yet, but you were hoping Draco would ask you to the ball. You had liked Draco for a few years now but when you found out he asked Pansy instead your heart broke but soon you were asked by a cute Hufflepuff named Jack and you immediately accepted.

Two days till the Yule ball and your mother had sent you a beautiful long length dress. You were excited to wear it along with going to the Yule ball with Jack. You were still a bit sad since you were hoping Draco would ask you, but you were happy for him.


It was Christmas Eve. Tonight, was the Yule ball. You had 3 hours to get ready, so you had a shower and dried your hair. You dormmates were also getting ready. You didn't do anything drastic to your hair, you just curled it and put it up in a half up, half down style. You did a natural makeup look, nothing more than mascara and lip-gloss.

It was just ten minutes until you went to go meet Jack. You left your wand in your trunk since you wouldn't be needing it and made your way out your dorm to the entrance of the great hall.


You saw Jack talking with his friends and then Draco with Pansy. You saw Hermione in front of you. She looked nervous.

"Nervous Hermione?" You said to the girl who looked stunning in her pink frilly dress.

"Yeah a bit." She said.

"Don't worry we can go down the stairs together if you want, to calm your nerves." You suggested.

"Sure!" she smiled looping her arm through yours and you both made your way downstairs. You both felt like princesses. You were worried you were going to trip when you started walking down the stairs.

Draco had never seen anyone as beautiful as you so when you went over to Jack and he kissed your cheek, he grabbed Pansy and walked into the great hall.

You smiled when you met Jack and he kissed your cheek. You looped your arm through his and you made your way into the great hall.


You had an amazing time with Jack. You both went as friends since both people you were hoping to go with went with someone else. That was when Jack's crush came and asked him to dance and you smiled enthusiastically and watched Jack go off.

You sat and drank some juice since you were thirsty. You felt someone sit next to you. It was Draco. You hadn't spoke to him since this morning.

"Hey." Was all he said. He didn't make eye contact with you; he watched the remaining couples slow dance on the dance floor.

"Hi." You said taking the last sip of your juice before putting it on the table in front of you.

"Do you want to dance?" Draco said smiling nervously and standing up.

"Sure why not." Taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you put your arms around his neck leaning your head on his shoulder. You felt safe in his arms.

"Where is Pansy?" you asked.

"She went, she got annoyed because I wasn't giving her my full attention." He said.


"Yeah, Y/n can I tell you something? Please don't freak out okay?" he said. You looked up at him. Draco was blushing. You found it adorable.

"Sure go ahead Dray." You smiled, using your nickname for him.

"I like you. Wait no I love you. I've kind of loved you since we first met on the train four years ago." He said blushing. "and I know I should of asked you to the ball I was really nervous to ask you but when I saw you with that Hufflepuff I couldn't help feel jealous." He admitted. You looked at him shocked for a moment then smiled.

"I love you too Draco."

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