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You and Draco had been dating for 1 year and it had been the best year you have ever had! Recently you have been having nightmares and at night you'd sneak into Draco's dorm and sleep with him at night because he made you feel safe.

You woke up from another nightmare. You groan and quietly get out of bed and tip toe to Draco's dorm. You open the door to see Crabbe and Nott snoring their asses off and Blasie just sleeping soundly. Draco was awake and sitting up in his bed as you came into the room. "Another nightmare love?" He asks concerned. You nod and he gestures you too come sit next to him under the covers.

Draco holds you close to his chest as you sit next to him under the cover. "They are only nightmares baby, they are not real." He says smiling down at his precious girl. "How about we go go sleep,eh? I'm right here if you need me." He smiles lying you both down. You turn to face him as he wraps his arms around you. "Good night Dray." You say yawning at closing your eyes. He smiles and kisses your head. "Good night love." He responds and falls into a deep sleep.


I know it's a really short chapter but I tried ❤️

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