At the darkest of times

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Requests are now closed for a bit, I'm sorry! They will be open soon maybe :)


The final battle as you'd call it had just begun. You were frantically running around trying to find your friends.

You were terrified.

"Y/n!" Your friend shouts. You quickly turn around and see that she is running towards you.

"What's going on?" You ask.

"I don't know but I think the death eaters have come to hogwarts!" She says and runs outside.

In that very moment you saw a spell hit her and she fell to the ground.

It was like it was all in slow motion.

You screamed and started crying. You fell to the ground. You just watched one of your friends die before your eyes.

Someone wrapped their arms around you. You turn your head to see Malfoy.

You instantly stand up and jump away from him.

"What do you want Malfoy?" You snap.

Malfoy has always bullied you throughout your years in Hogwarts.

"It's gonna be okay Y/n." He says. You frown at him and walk away.

As Y/n walked down the corridor and out of sight, Bellatrix appears out of nowhere and her wand was pointed at Draco.

"What do you think your doing Draco? Protecting mudblood scum?! We didn't teach you this!" She screams, still pointing her wand at Draco.

Draco also aims his wand at his aunt.

"She's one of the only good things that has happened to me! Even if I was mean to her half the time!" Draco snaps before shouting 'stupefy' and running off to find you.

He ran around the school until he found you in an intense duel with a death eater. Then he saw you get hit with a spell and you fell to the ground.

The death eater cackled before going off.

Draco catches you before you hit your head on the floor.

He strokes some of your hair out you face and checked if you were still breathing. You were.

He picked you up and carried you to the Hospital wing. There he laid you down on one of the remaining beds and held your hand.

"She's going to be just fine Mr Malfoy. Her injury isn't anything serious." Madam Pomfrey smiles before going to help other wounded people.

Draco sighs and smiles. He knew you'd be ok.

"You scared me there Y/n." He smiles at you and squeezes your hand in a loving way.

"I'm sorry that I have been so rude and cruel to you over the past few years. I'm sorry, it's just that I didn't know how to express my feelings towards you."

What he didn't know that you were listening the whole time. You smile and open your eyes.

"It's okay Draco. I forgive you." You smile.

His eyes widen.

"You heard the whole thing that I said?" He says.

"Yeah, it's okay Draco." You say and slowly get up to kiss his cheek.

He smiles and kisses your hand.

"Thank you." He says.

"What for?" You ask.

"For understanding me at the darkest of times." He smiles and kisses your head.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now