honey <3

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"Y/n, love? I made you some tea." Your husband says. You turn to face him.

You couldn't speak. You wouldn't speak. You'd been mute ever since that day happened. The day your parents were killed right in front of you by undercover death eaters.

After then you wouldn't speak. You were too traumatised and afraid. It was like there were hands covering your mouth, preventing you to speak or even smile.

The only place you thought was safe was you and your husband's shared bed.

Draco puts the tea in front of you. You look at it before going off and getting into the bed.

Draco sighs and leaves the room.

"Well how is she?" Draco's mother asks.

"She's still the same. It's been almost two weeks now." Draco says and sits down next to his mum.

"It's gonna be okay Draco, the doctors at the hospital says she needs love and support right now." Draco's mother says hugging her son.

"I know, she is just really shocked at what happened it's made her gone mute. I guess we will just have to wait for her to open up." He sighs.

Little did they both know that Y/n was listening from outside the door. She looked down at the floor then went back up to bed and laid there.

A couple of minutes later Draco came in. She could sense him looking at her.

Draco then gets changed and gets into bed. He pulls Y/n into his chest and sighs.

"I love you, honey."

A tear escapes your eye. Draco had called you that on your first date and the word 'honey' made you happy. You smile a bit before turning around in his arms.

You place your hand on his cheek. He leans into your touch and smiles.

"I-I love you too."

Draco's eyes widen. You hadn't spoken in two weeks let alone give any affection towards him.

He smiles and crashes his lips onto yours.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now