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Now I'm super short I'm like 5'2? I think I don't know lmao so yeah I bring to you this imagine!!

Sorry it's a bit short again, I'll try and make my imagines more longer <3


"Oi! Midget!"

You sigh and continue walking to lesson.

"Hey! Don't ignore me you tiny Ravenclaw! Now move out the way!"

You get pushed out the way as you enter the classroom.

You sigh as everyone turns around and looks at you.

You blush out of embarrassment and quickly sit down.

You hear Crabbe and Goyle snickering as they pushed you over and called you names.

Draco on the other hand looked at you in sympathy.

He always had a soft spot for you because you were his girlfriend.

The worst thing was, it was a secret relationship and he couldn't do anything about you getting bullied.

His father would kill him for going out with a half blood Ravenclaw.

But he didn't care.


"Come on in Draco, my friends know your going to be in our dorm tonight so they are doing an all nighter in the Ravenclaw common room." You shyly say, taking his hand. He smiles down at his small girlfriend.

After you shut your dorm door and go into the bathroom to change into comfy clothes, you see Draco, topless (wink wink 🥵😋😏) and sitting on your bed doing homework.

You smile and sit next to your boyfriend and wrap your tiny arms around his waist.

He chuckles and puts his quill down.

"Your super small you know that." He smiles and sits you in his lap. You squeal and wrap your arms around his neck.

He kisses you all over the face before resting his chin on top of your head.

"I love you my small girlfriend. Even if people mock you for your height. Your perfect and your height doesn't define you." He says.

You smile and kiss him.

"Thank you for being here for me I love you so much." You smile.

"I love you more." He smiles.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now