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Ok that gif is so funny. Voldemort dancing I can't 😂😂😭

Warning: swearing.


"I'm sorry Draco but it's over, I can't keep our relationship a secret anymore just because I'm a Gryffindor and you're ashamed of me!"

"So are we breaking up?"



It's been about a year since the break up happened. You were in fourth year.

The relationship lasted six months but you were tired of getting insults from Malfoy during school hours then he would become nice to you after school.

Even though you felt selfish, you were much happier you didn't have a huge secret you couldn't tell anyone about.

After you two broke up you went to Hermione and Ginny and they comforted you when the news spread like wildfire around the school.

You would get nasty looks from the Slytherins. You still get them sometimes now but it's all died down now since it's been a year.

When you broke up with Draco, he started sleeping with all the girls that wanted him for his wealth and status.

He still did that sometimes now, a year later.

He missed you tons. He missed how your hair was soft and smooth and how you smelt of coconut and he missed how you would help anyone, regardless of their wealth and status.

Now your were in fifth year and Umbridge was making everyones lives complete hell. You were offered to join DA and you did. It was so much fun every time you went.

That was until Umbridge's squad found out and used Cho Chang to gain information with truth serum.

"Okay good work today everyone! I'll see you all next week!" Harry say smiling down at everyone.

Then suddenly the wall started to crashdown. No one was hurt but Umbridge and her squad was there..with Cho! You were shocked.

Draco saw that you were there and he was angry. As everyone was being held captive and taken to Umbridge's office, Draco grabbed you and led you down to a abandoned corridor.

"What do you want Malfoy? Why have you dragged me down here?" You sneer.

He scoffs.

"L/n..if I were to bring you up to Umbridge's office, what do you think she'll do to you? Cruciatus curse perhaps?" Draco smirks.

You gasp.

"She wouldn't! Your lying you asshole." You should crossing your arms.

"Maybe she would." Draco smirks, backing you into a wall. You sigh, annoyed.

"What do you want Draco..I'm not one of your make out girls, I'm your ex and your annoying me." You say, still crossing your arms.

"It can be our little secret." He says. You gasp and push him away.

"Your a dickhead Malfoy, I'm going to find my friends." You shout and run down the corridor.

When you arrived to Umbridge's office, everyone was gone.

"Where have they gone?" You ask yourself.

"I don't know, maybe they vanished."

You turn around to see Malfoy, leaning on the door frame.

Your beyond mad.

"Why did you follow me you asshole, you selfish asshole! I hate you so fucking much." You cry.

Draco looks hurt.

"Fine, I'll leave you alone." He says sadly and leaves.

You walk to where he was standing a minute ago to see he was walking out the classroom.

"Draco I'm sorry I didn't mean any of what I said!" You shout, going down the stairs and chasing after Draco.

"Yes you did Y/n. I'm a selfish asshole." He sighs and puts his hands in his pockets and walks outside to the black lake.

"Where are you going? It's past curfew!" You say.

"It's none of your business L/n." He sneers and carries on walking down to the black lake.

You keep following him because you wanted to apologise and because it had been so long without his company. To an extent, you missed him.

You finally get to the black lake to see Draco sitting and looking at the lake.

You hesitantly sit down beside him.

"I-I'm sorry Draco. I didn't mean what I said. I was angry." You say, also looking out to the lake.

"But you were right Y/n, I am a selfish asshole. I didn't know that you felt that way when we were going out. I thought that maybe if we kept it secret, no one would bother us and you wouldn't get so much hate from the Slytherins."

"Yeah but when it spread out like wildfire, I got dirty looks from them. I did my best to ignore them and they stopped giving me those looks a few months later." You sadly smile.

Draco looks at you and hesitantly wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into him. You lean your head on his shoulder.

"I missed you, every single day." He says looking down at you.

"I missed you too Draco." You smile and you lifted your head to kiss Draco.

He smiles and kisses you back.

"So are we a thing now?"

"Yes, I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too."

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now