Still don't know my name pt.2

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The next day. She was there. This time she was studying for her upcoming exam in Astronomy.

After the first time they met, Draco asked for her name. Draco thought her name was beautiful and the right name for her. It was like out of all the other Y/n's in the world, none of them could compare to the Y/n that Draco had fallen completely head over heels for.

"Your notes are neat." Draco says. She smiles and puts her pen down.

"Thanks." She smiles.

"What are you studying for?" He asks.

"Astronomy." She says, looking down at her notes.

"Ah, nice. I chose History of Magic instead of Astronomy." He says. She nods and puts her notes away.

"It's a nice day today." She sighs.

"Yeah." He smiles.

He looks at the girl beside him. He thinks.

'Should I ask her out?'

He thinks to himself.

"Y/n? W-would you like to go out sometime? L-like on a date?" He asks.

She looks at him with wide eyes.

Y/n is silent for sometime and Draco sighs.

"Y-yeah I knew you'd say no." He says, looking at the black lake.

"N-no I would love to go out sometime! It's j-just that no one has asked me out before that's all." She smiles at him.

Draco looks at Y/n and smiles.

"So how about tomorrow to hogsmede?" He asks.

"Of course! See you tomorrow Draco." She smiles and kisses his cheek before getting her notes back out.

"And that Scorpius is how me and your mother got together." Draco smiles at his six year old son.

"Wow! Goodnight daddy!" Scorpius says, tucking himself in and hugging his teddy.

"Goodnight Scorp." Draco smiles.

Y/n comes in a smiles at the two.

"Goodnight Scorp." Y/n smiles and kisses her son on the head.

Draco wraps an arm around his wife and looks at his son.

"Sleep well Scorpius."

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now