Those special moments

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"Aww your so cute, oh yes you are!" Draco says in a high pitched voice.

He was currently playing with his son Scorpius. Y/n was reading a book on the sofa, looking down at her son and husband on the floor occasionally.

Scorpius was on Draco's lap, giggling and smiling up at his father.

"Y/n! Baby! Look how cute Scorpius is! He's smiling up at me!" Draco exclaims.

Y/n giggles and puts her book down.

"Well I think our little boy is getting sleepy now, it's almost time for his afternoon nap." She says.

"I'll go read him a bed time story, Y/n? Can you make some warm milk for Scorp since he won't go to sleep without it." He says, standing up and picking up the toddler in the process.

Y/n nods and heads to the kitchen to make some milk.

Once Y/n had made the milk for her son, she heads upstairs to Scorpius's room.

She quietly opens the door to see Draco reading Scorpius 'the three little pigs' and Scorpius smiling.

Y/n hands Scorpius his bottle and sits on Scorpius's bed next to Draco, making sure Scorpius won't choke on his milk.

Draco smiles at his wife and puts an arm around her waist since she's sat next to him.

After the story had finished, Y/n takes the empty bottle from Scorpius and smiles at her son and stands up. She then kisses him on the forehead whispering goodnight to him. Scorpius smiles.

Draco then puts the bedtime story back on the book shelf before tucking Scorpius in and kissing him on the cheek.

"Goodnight Scorp, sleep well."

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