Potion partners pt.2

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"So he just kissed you and walked away?" F/N asks you while spreading butter on her toast.

"Yeah, but he probably does that to every girl so they will fall for him, arrogant bastard. I can't believe I trusted him!" You say, finishing off your Charms essay and putting it in your bag.

"Well at least this weekend is a trip to hogsmeade! Maybe we could go get a butter beer at the three broomsticks?" F/N asks. "Sure thing!" You smile and walking out together to potions.

"Today you will be making The Draught of Living death! Anyone who refuses or fails will be in detention for the rest of the term." Snape says. You look towards where Malfoy sits. He isn't there. You put your hand up. "Yes miss L/N?" Snape asks. "May I be excused to go to the toilet?" You ask.

"You may, be quick about it." Snape says turning his back to the class to mark the essays. You stand up and walk out the classroom and down the hall. You hear quiet moans inside a broom closet. Your eyes widen. With curiosity you open the broom closet a little to see Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy all over each other. You gasp and walk away back to the potions classroom to resume the potion.

"Very good Miss L/N, shame Mr Malfoy wasn't here today. You may leave." Snape tells you. You pack up your things and leave the classroom.

For the whole week you couldn't forget how Malfoy played you.

It was Saturday and you were leaving the dorm with your friend group. "It's been months since I have been to Hogsmeade!  I can't wait to go to Honeydukes!" Your friend Leanne smiles.

After breakfast your girl group all walk to where everyone was meeting up for Hogsmeade. You see Draco Malfoy and his group of Slytherins. Creating mayhem with the golden trio but what hurt you most is that Pansy and her group of friends were there too and Pansy clinging onto Draco's arm.

"It's ok Y/n I am sure you'll find someone else who will treat you better." F/N smiles sympathetically. You begin walking to Hogsmeade with F/N and Leanne. You see Seamus walking towards your little trio and his kisses F/N's head. "I'll catch you guys later, I'm gonna go with Seamus." F/N smiles. "I'm gonna go see if I can find Luna, see you later Y/N." Says Leanne walking away.

You sigh finding a tree near the Shrieking shack and leaning against it. "Never thought I'd find you here L/N." Malfoy smirks. You stand up to face him. "Piss off Malfoy." You say bitterly. "Oh, not so nice today are we? Oh is it because you saw me and Parkinson making out in a broom closet?" He asks turning his head sideways. You stare at him. "You see, she pushed me in there and started to kiss me." He says sitting down in the bench. You hesitantly sit next to him.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I really like you." Draco says looking down at his feet. You were shocked. The Draco Malfoy likes me back? "I-I like you too Draco." You blush. With that he kisses you. "Would you like to become my girlfriend Y/N?" He asks taking your hand and pulling you up. "I would like that very much." You smile up at him. You kiss him. His arms around your waist while your hands are on his back muscles. You smile.

You two become the greatest power couple of Hogwarts and many years after you got married. <3



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