Curfew pt.1

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Your house: Hufflepuff


"So your just gonna cheat on me?" You scream.

You and Draco were in a heated argument in an abandoned corridor. It was last curfew so there was no one around.

"I knew you were a playboy, Draco but you said you wouldn't cheat and you'd change! That's such a dick move Draco!" You snap.

"Y/n! Please it was a mistake! I was drunk!" He says trying to calm you down. It wasn't working.

"No! I thought you could change Draco."

He sighs and looks down at the floor.

"I-I think it's best if we be apart from each other for a bit." You sigh.

Draco immediately looks up.

"No! Y/n please! I'm sorry I was drunk please just don't leave me!" He cries.

"No Draco. I'm sorry, Goodnight." You smile sadly at him. Before walking down the corridor and to the Hufflepuff common room.

For the next week, you wouldn't talk to Draco or even look at him.

You thought he could change. You knew in the back of your mind that this would happen but your love for Draco got in the way.

6 months later

You had gotten over Draco.

The first few months were hard you had to admit. The Slytherins bullied you again. When you got together witj Draco, they stopped bullying you. But once they found out you two were over, they started being horrible to you.

You tried to avoid them by going to class different ways or just simply staying in the bathroom until they were out of site.

It was difficult but you managed it. Your friends were amazing at keeping you safe. They knew that the Slytherins were bullying you and you broke up with Draco.

You never told them why though.

It was past curfew and it was spooky and quiet. Too quiet.

You went out the library and hugged your books close to your chest.

You almost made it back to the common room until you heard footsteps behind you.

You quickly look back to see a shadow at the end of the corridor.

You quickly open a door to a small room with broomsticks in. You quickly shut the door and hold your books even tighter. You try not to breathe heavily.

Just as you thought the person was gone, someone opens the door.

Of course, it was a prefect.

"Who are you and what are you doing outside your common room!" Someone snaps. You slowly step forward to see Draco standing before you. You gulped.

"I-I was in the library and I-I didn't r-realise that it was past curfew." You stutter. Draco sighs and steps back out of the way so you can get out. He holds the door open for you and you mutter a thank you before you both walk down the corridor in silence.

"I'm sorry for the pain I put you through." He randomly says. You look up. He looked like he was in deep thought. You nod and sigh.

"I really thought I could change but I'll always be fucked up." He sighs. You frown.

"You were never a screw up in the first place Draco. We all make mistakes and we must learn from them." You say.

"Well this is the Hufflepuff common room." You say.

"I'm not gonna deduct any points." He smiles. You smile shyly back at him.

"Goodnight Y/n."

"Goodnight Draco." You smile kissing his cheek before saying the password and walking into your common room.

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