I'm here now

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"Your so fat L/n and your nose ew why do you look like that? No one would ever be interested in you toad!" Pansy screeches at the quiet girl sitting at the back of the room. Lots of people snicker (mostly Pansy's friends) at her comment.

Y/n blushes out of embarrassment and looks down at her notes. She sighs and wonders why is she so different to everyone else? Why can't she try to fit in? Why can't she be normal? Pretty? Fit for society?

Y/n tries not to cry and walks quickly off to the room of requirement.

That was her happy place. The only place where she could escape from the toxic world and be herself without getting bullied.

Y/n opens the door and closes it quietly. Then she looks around the room. It was a cozy place with a comfy sofa and a fireplace.

'It's just like home.' She thought smiling.

She sits down on the sofa and grabs the book that she was currently reading out her bag.

She sighs and smiles before opening her book.



Draco sighs angrily before turning around to see pug face running down the corridor.

"Guess what!" She squeals.

"What?" Draco asks uninterested.

"I was walking down the corridor when I saw dumb bitch Y/n! Oh my gosh Drakie you should of seen the look on her face when I was insultin-,"

Draco turned around and quickly made his way down the corridor in search for you.


You hear someone come through to the room of requirement.

You turn around and see Draco smiling at you.

"Hello love." He says, sitting down next to you and pulling you into his chest."

"Hi Draco." You say. Closing your book and putting it back in your bag.

"You alright? I heard Pansy was being a bitch." He says.

You sigh and nod.

"Yeah she came up to me today with her gang, throwing insults at me."

You say, tears threatening to spill out your eyes.

"Hey, hey. It's okay Y/n. Don't worry. How about we make our relationship public so I can stand up for you? And show you off." Draco smirks.

"Fineee!" You say rolling your eyes and smiling. He chuckles and gets your book out your bag.

"So, what page you on? I wanna cuddle and read with you." He says.

You smile and open the book to the page you were on.

You snuggle into his chest as you both read the book.

"Don't worry, love. I'm here now." He whispers.

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