Authors Note

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I apologize this is so sudden. First off I want to say that I won't stop writing, but I am done writing in the Hamilton fandom. At least with these one shots. I may continue the fic with Washington and Franklin, or Captured By The King at some point, but for now I cannot bring myself to write something I don't enjoy writing. 

I am happy with what I've done here on Wattpad with the Hamilton fandom, and you can find all of it on my account: HamHamNeedsToChill! I will still post my work in the Turn fandom here as well, of course. But I've heard rumors that smut had been deleted here? Something about Wattpad being bought by Webtoon or something? I don't know, don't hold me to that. 

I've just gone through a breakup, and my uncle is very ill with cancer, and my relations with certain members in my family are shaky to say the least. I'm not doing as well right now, to tell you the truth. Which is why it's so important that I just move on from these chapters, without it boiling over on the back burner. I hope you all can understand. Thank you for being here for almost two years, reading and enjoying my work. I will continue to writer and grow as an author. Who knows, you might see a book of mine on a shelf someday, without you even knowing it.

I'm leaving a quote here, written by me, last night. I ask that you do not steal it, and give me credit if you do use it. And notify me if you notice someone who has taken it. I will leave my initials, not my full name.

"That is a curse of a writer, to endure the feelings wrought upon the characters we describe or create. 

To build these worlds, we must understand the trials and tribulations, the rules, the feelings it will give to the reader. 

Writing a story can suck out as much life as we breathe into the worlds we create." A.H. , 2021

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