Royal Quarters ((King George III X Samuel Seabury))

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((This is my favorite ship, and I have yet to see anyone else do it. So. Ima do it.))

King George III POV

I sigh heavily, sitting on my bed, staring at my cape and crown in the corner of my room. I had invited a farmer from my colony to see what people thought of me. The ship was due to arrive today, and I was patiently awaiting him to arrive. I heard a knock at my door, one of the guards opening it.
"Sire, you have a visitor. A farmer from the colony in North America?" The guard says monotonously. I smile with glee.
"Please, do let him in.~" I say, getting up and walking over to my embellished chair across from the door. The guard nods, stepping away and allowing the man to step in.
He appeared to be decently dressed. He seemed a bit shy, his cheeks flushed. I motion towards my bed, the only other place to sit.
"Hello, you're the farmer right? What's your name again?" I ask quietly. The man seemed to space out, before quickly coming to his senses and sitting down on the edge of my bed.
"M-my apologies your excellency... My name is Samuel Seabury. A pleasure to meet you sir." I nod, getting up and walking over to my bed, sitting down beside him. He seemed confused.
"Oh don't worry, Samuel.~ You're very kind. At least from what I can see.~" I say with a grin. Samuel blushes bright pink, clasping his hands together.
"Th-that's very... Ah... Surprising, with all due respect... Do you really trust me already?" He asks. I shrug.
"Well, we all have to start trusting at some point, and you seem like a good person." I take my hand and place it on his chest, gently pushing him back into the bed. He lays back obediently.
"S-sire? What are you doing?" He asks, unsure. I smile, slowly leaning forward and kissing him on the lips. He melted into me, closing his eyes.
"Mmm...~ My King...~" He whimpers quietly. I grin, and start to take off his clothes. He slowly followed along, removing my vest and tunic.
"Y'know I never really do this with others.~ You just seem different somehow...~" I purr. Samuel whimpers, his cheeks flushing as I gently placed my hand on his crotch, rubbing his length through his pants.
"M-my lord...~" He whines. I smile, removing our pants.
"Shhhhh, quiet subject...~ My sweet, submissive subject...~" I kiss him on the lips softly, exploring his mouth as I continue to rub his cock. Samuel squirms underneath me. I grab some lube out of a bedside drawer, taking a few drops and slicking up my cock, but my fingers as well. I slip one finger into Samuel gently. He moans quietly.
"A-ahhh... My King...~" He shuts his eyes, biting his lip. I grin, beginning to gently push my finger in and out of him.
"You like that?~ Here, have more.~" I gently push a second finger into him, slowly pushing in and out. He moans slightly louder, and I see his stomach tense up.
"P-please!~ My King- I-... I want you...~" He admits quietly, stumbling over his words as he looked into my eyes. I bite my lip, adjusting myself and slowly start pushing the tip of my cock against his entrance. He moans sharply as I slip into him, tears springing to his eyes.
"A-Ahh!! My king!!~ Please!~" He begs, gripping the bed sheets tightly. I huff, slowly pushing farther in.
"Shhhhh, don't be too loud.~ I don't want everyone to know.~" He quickly clasps his hand over his mouth. I grind my hips into him, slowly starting to thrust in and out of Samuel. He whines, spreading his legs wider. I quickly start to speed up, his sweet muffled moans tickled my spine, driving me to just thrust faster. Samuel reached his free hand down to his cock, pumping it at my pace. I moan quietly, squeezing my eyes shut as pressure began to build. I could tell we were close. I leaned over him, holding his legs apart as I pounded into him roughly. He was practically screaming in pleasure now, and I could feel my cock swell inside him. I came hard inside, and he came as well, both of us breathing heavily as we relaxed.
"Oh my King...~ Please...~ Tell me we can do this again...~" I smile, gently brushing the hair out of his eyes.
"Don't worry, we will.~" I start dressing myself, and I watch him put his clothes back on. I smile, laying back in my bed. He got up and walked to the door.
"I'll see you another time." He says with smile. I nod.
"Yes, don't let the guards hit you on the way out.~" I say with a smirk. He bows to me, before quickly exiting the room. One of the guards peeks into the room.
"Is everything alright my lord?" I nod.
"Yes, things just got a little heated."

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