Jamilton - Oblivious

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Alright, this was requested by @ThomasJefferson____, thank you! We're gonna have some fluff and angst in this one, per his/her request, so buckle up I suppose! Anyway, like usual, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

((Also I try to use a POV that makes it easier to tell the story, or more interesting!))

Alex's POV***

          I sigh in frustration, twirling my pen as I thought of what to write. It was an incredibly annoying habit I had developed, even for myself. Especially when I would drop my pen, or it would go flying across the room. I had been working for days, hell, I had only slept for a couple hours of the last 72 that had passed. Everything was fine of course, under control, but I was irritated, lacking sleep, and ready to snap. Not to mention I hadn't had sex for a few weeks, and it was really getting to me. If I didn't have sex, coffee, or a break soon, I was going to lose my mind.

I froze as Thomas opened my door. He looked up at me with that smug little grin he always has. I groan, seriously not in the mood to deal with his shit.
"Go away Thomas... I'm not in the mood..." I warn. Thomas purred in his soothing southern accent, of course this only made me even more irritable.
"Awww, darling... It's okay, I get it, we're all in need of a break. But for real, I gotta talk to you about drinking up all the coffee, we need some too." He sighs. I huff.
"I didn't drink it. I haven't had a cup of coffee in a day or so. Maybe Madison drank it..." I scoff. Thomas rolls his eyes, walking over and leaning against my desk. I glare at him. I hated people touching my stuff, and he knew that.
"Come on Hamilton, don't be a little bitch. You need to learn to relax." He purrs, inching closer to me. I knew he was about to touch me, exactly where, I wasn't sure. He walks up behind me, and sets his hands on my shoulders. I sigh, closing my laptop and setting my pen aside. He gently rubs circles into my back, I couldn't deny that it felt nice. I just didn't want him in particular to be rubbing my back. He slides his hand down my back and circles them around to my chest, slowly rubbing my nipples. I whimper softly, biting my lip as the familiar heat of arousal started building up. Thomas hummed in my ear.


           "Alright, come on. Take a little break with me." He enticed. I huff, now offended that he thought he could bait me so easily into submission. I get up and quickly pull him over, and slam him down against my desk, much to his surprise. I bite my lip.
"You good with being submissive Thomas?" I ask. Thomas nods, his cheeks rosy with embarrassment.
"Yeah, this is fine..." He hums. I bite my lip, suddenly being much more aggressive. I didn't want to wait, all I needed was Thomas's approval. I took off my pants, wasting no time with taking Thomas's off as well, along with his and my boxers. Thomas was harder than a rock, cock standing at attention. What a little man whore. I reach down and pumped my length, squeezing the tip a bit more roughly. Tingly pleasure spread through my groin, and I savored it for a moment. Thomas whimpers impatiently, and I look down at him with a smirk.
           "Oh, you want me now? Little cock slut..." I growl, pressing my tip against his entrance. He bites his lip.
           "Fuck yes..." He whines. I smile, holding his hips firmly as I pushed in with a bit of difficulty. I wasn't using lube, so it would be a little rougher on Thomas. Thomas whimpers, squirming as I slowly worked my way into him. His cheeks were red with blush.
"Alright, beg for me Thomas, I know you want it." I purr. Thomas moans softly as I pull out and push back in.
"Ahhhh... Alexander... Please..." He begs quietly. I smile, slowly picking up my pace, rolling my hips to try and find his prostate. I get an idea, and suddenly smack his ass sharply. He tenses up slightly, and whimpers.
           "Ahhhh... Alexander..." He moans deeply. I bite my lip with excitement, starting to pound much more roughly into Thomas, earning sharp little moans.
          "You like that Thomas? Huh? You want daddy to give you more?" I tease, reaching down to his cock and pumping it along with my rhythm. Thomas nods, moaning sharply again as I squeeze his cock.
          "Ahh!! Yes!" He begs again. I huff, quickly picking up my pace again. The steady heat in my groin was building, and I could tell Thomas was closer than he let on, his cock was twitching in my hand. He desperately needed to cum, but he was holding it in. I growl, suddenly slamming into Thomas at full speed, my climax quickly building. I smack his ass again, leaving a red mark. Thomas moaned in a shrill voice, coming hard onto his stomach. I chuckle, determined to make him cum again before I finished. I pumped his cock quickly, pounding into his prostate over and over again. I felt the high of a climax suddenly creep up on me, but I held it, waiting for Thomas.
          "C'mon Tommy, cum again!" I huff, the pressure in the pit of stomach climbing to a peak. I give him one last hard smack on the ass, loving the stinging pain on my hand. Thomas whimpers pitifully, suddenly coming hard onto himself again. I finally feel relief as I cum hard into him, slowing to a stop. I take a few breaths.
          "Ahhh... There... Feel Better Thomas?" I ask, pulling out and cleaning myself up, looking away. I suddenly hear sniffling, and my heart sinks. I quickly look back at him, and he's full on crying. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and he started sobbing. I frown, quickly pulling my pants up. I help Thomas put his pants back on, and gently sit him down in my chair.
           "What's wrong Tommy?" I ask quietly. Thomas huffs.
           "You hit me, degraded me... you didn't even use lube! That fucking hurt Alex!" He yells, clearly upset. I felt awful now, obviously. I should've been more aware of how Thomas felt.
           "I-I'm sorry... I should've been more aware... To be fair, you could've told me that you didn't like it, but you didn't..." He reasons. Thomas sighs, silently agreeing.
           "Yeah... I guess..." He sniffles, wiping his eyes and blowing his nose into a tissue. I gently kiss Thomas on the cheek, and hug him. He hugs me back, squeezing me. I sigh.
           "I'm sorry Thomas... I'll be more considerate from now on." I say reassuringly. Thomas nods.
           "Thank you... I appreciate it..."

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