Jamilton - A debt unpaid

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Alright! Please don't forget to request, I get excited to write requests! I will literally do anything you ask me to! Anyway, like always, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Alexander POV***

Alexander sighs, writing on a stack of parchment he had brought with him into the coach. He sighs, knocking on the side of the coach a bit.
"Slow down! It's too bumpy when you go quickly!" He yells, scribbling away at his parchment, the scratching of his quill against the paper was a sound he rather enjoyed. He barely knew how much time had passed when the coach stopped in front of Monticello. Alexander watched the coachman open the door, and put down the small step ladder. He stepped out, frowning as his boots hit mud. He sighs, setting his quill down in the coach, along with the ink.
      "Thank you, oh, could you stay here for a little while? I will give you an extra dollar or so. I won't be longer than a half hour." The coachman sighs.
       "Fine. I'll wait." The coachman reluctantly agrees. Alexander smiles, handing the coachman a couple dollars, and starts trudging up to Monticello. He jumps as he hears the coachman yelp in surprise. He looks back, feeling his heart jump out of his chest as he sees Jefferson's infamous ram. It was currently bashing its head into the carriage. Hamilton huffs, turning tail and quickly running toward Monticello. He curses as he slips in the mud, landing on his side. He huffs, quickly getting back up and looking back. The ram was quickly running towards him. He yelps, running as fast as he could. He gets to the door, pounding on it quickly.
      "Jefferson! EEP!" He yelps as the ram slips in the mud, its head bashing into the steps.
      "Open the door!! Please! The ram is gonna hurt me!" He begs. Thomas opens the door a hair.
       "Oh he wouldn't hurt a fly. Why should I?" He asks. Hamilton huffs.
       "The ram killed a little boy Jefferson! Don't bullshit me! Let me in! Please! Or- Or I'll let the ram hit the door! He already hit the steps!" He says. He whimpers as the ram was backing up again.
        "Jefferson please!! I just wanted to talk about the debt plan! I'll do anything!" He reasons. Jefferson sighs, opening the door enough for Hamilton to get in. Hamilton squeezes through, shutting the door immediately. He jumps as the ram hit the door, falling backwards and landing on his ass. Jefferson scoffs.
        "So. This... Debt plan." He starts. Hamilton huffs.
        "Can I relax, for one second Mr. Jefferson? Can I get up off my butt for one second before you ridicule me?" He asks, getting to his feet. He looks at his clothes. "Damnit... Eliza JUST cleaned this outfit..." He huffs. Jefferson smiles.
         "Well. About the debt plan, if you'll allow me to continue... If I help you with this... you'd be in my debt. Heh, no pun intended. Anyway, if I help you with it, you would have a large debt to repay to me. And... although this is more of a favor, I will add it to the debt. I can get that dreadful outfit of yours cleaned up as well. I will need you to take it off though. Mr. Hamilton." He says quietly, sitting down in a nearby chair. Alexander blushes lightly.
          "Well... I suppose... I suppose I would be in your debt. We can talk that over... over dinner... if you like... and perhaps propose a repayment... maybe involving the placement of the capital." He suggests, although it seems like he had planned it in his head. Thomas nods in agreement.
           "Hm. Sounds good to me. We can talk about it over dinner, later of course, with Mr. Madison. For now. Why don't we work on a down payment for that debt. Now. Take off those muddy clothes and come here." He demands. Alexander blushes.
         "Mr. Jefferson this is highly irregular." He says with a bit of surprise. Jefferson smirks.
         "Did I stutter? Take off those clothes, or I will take them off for you." He insists. Hamilton blushes deeply, taking off his overcoat, setting it aside. He starts on his pants. Sally walked over and picked up the coat, taking his pants from him as soon as he had them off. Hamilton huffs, embarrassed as he covered his crotch with the parchment he still had in his hand. Jefferson smirks.
"Sally will have those washed for you soon. For now, why don't you come here, and allow me to talk about the down payment." He says quietly. Hamilton blushes deeply, getting frustrated.
"Mr. Jefferson this is absurd! Why should I?!" He growls. Jefferson gets up, holding his staff by the middle, walking over to Hamilton quickly. He presses the handle to Hamilton's chin.
"Because if you do not, I will not get your debt plan started. And you can forget your suit being cleaned. Now, I suggest you follow my instructions!" He says quickly. Hamilton, flustered, sits down.

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