Lams - Beautiful man (Fluff version)

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Alright! Time for gayness once again! Late night writing is the best isn't it? Gonna try a College Au, see where it goes. :) Also, this one is gonna be fluff. I need a little break from the smut. I might do a smut version later though!

3rd Person POV***

       Alexander Hamilton was up late, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he typed away. The dim glow of his laptop was the only thing keeping him awake. He knew Laurens; his roommate, would be back soon. He perked up as he heard footsteps approaching down the hall, his heart beating quickly in his chest. He frowned as he heard the footsteps pass his door and continue down the hall. He rubbed his eyes, attempting to focus on his laptop.

        "Alexander?" Laurens said as he entered, startling Alex from his half asleep state. He looked over at John.
        "Huh? What? What time is it?" He asks quickly. John looks at his watch.
        "Dude it's like 2 am. You should've gone to bed like... 4 hours ago." He says, sitting down next to Alex. Alex sighs.
        "Yeah, but sleep is a waste of time... Why sleep when I can work and relax in the morning?" He says. John smiles.
        "Well, I would see the logic, but then you just sleep through the entire morning." He says with a sigh. They pause for a moment, and John scoots closer.
         "This might be a little blunt but... You have gorgeous eyes Alexander. They're gray and blue and violet all at the same time..." He says. Alex looks at John with a twinge of surprise, blushing.
         "Oh... Well... I..." He seemed caught on the compliment, just staring back at John.
         "I've never met a man like you... You have such feminine charm... And yet you have the intense masculine audacity to admit these feelings... Ah... I'm sorry, I'm rambling..." He blushes, shying away from John. John smiles, putting his hand on Alex's cheek and turning his face to look at him.
         "No it's alright, I rather like it... Tell me more..." He says quietly. Alex smiles, pressing his face into John's hand.
         "I wish I had this affection from someone a long time ago... Just... To be able to hold someone that genuinely likes me. You... You're a breath of fresh air, it seems sudden but I think you're amazing, a ray of sunlight in my thundercloud... An oasis in my endless desert... This spark of emotion I feel from just this simple action..." He was almost crying. John smiles, pulling Alex into a hug, rubbing circles into his back.
         "Shhhh... You're okay..." He kisses Alex on the cheek, making him shudder a bit.
         "You kissed me? Do... Do you really love me?" He asks. John nods.
         "Well, How could I not? You're the most beautiful man I've ever met." He admits, hugging Alex a little tighter. They both embraced a while longer, slowly laying down and holding each other. Soon the night came and went, the morning sun coming through the blinds. Alex woke steadily, opening his eyes to see Laurens in his arms. He smiles, snuggling up with John and simply taking in the feeling.

Alright, short and sweet, that's all for tonight! I love you guys, but I wish some of you would comment and let me know if you like this or not... :/ Oh well... I guess that was 2017 or 2018 Wattpad.

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