Kington - Can I Try Something?

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This was requested by @WhyCouldntItBe, you guys gotta remember I have a request sheet up! I like it when people use it. :> Anyway, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up:❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lot of Kington lately huh?

3rd Person POV***

        Alexander sighs contently, curled up with his lover, George. They were watching a show called Jackson's Spies. Alex grimaces, watching a soldier get brutally stabbed in the neck.
       "Ooh! Damn... Didn't see that coming..." He says with a huff. George chuckles.
        "Well, he's an evil bastard, why wouldn't he do that?" He asks with a laugh. Alex shrugs.
         "Good point I guess." He relaxes, looking down at George as he lifts up the blanket.
          "What're you doing?" He asks, watching George shimmy closer, a smirk across his face.


           "Can I try something?" He asks, looking up at Alex, licking the corner of his lip seductively. Alex shudders, feeling his cock quickly starting to harden.
           "I'm not gonna stop you." He says with a sigh. George smiles, covering himself with the blanket and getting to work, sliding Alex's sweatpants down. Alex's phone starts ringing, a tune from the hit musical Lin Manuel Miranda. He fumbles for his phone, clicking the answer button and putting it up to his ear.
          "Hello? Oh! Washington! Yes, I'm fine." He says quickly. George smirks, pulling Alex's boxers down as well. He gingerly takes Alex's length into his mouth, sucking gently.
          "Mmm... So yummy..." He purrs smugly. Alex bit his lip, careful not to reveal anything to Washington.
           "Oh, yeah don't worry, I'll have that project done tomorrow. Oh- No no, that was George, he's being obnoxious while eating his chocolate." He explains. George huffs, a bit offended. He quickly takes in half of Alex's cock, sucking roughly, making Alex jolt in surprise. George moans softly, grinning as he massaged the tip with the back of his tongue, sucking gently.
           "Mmm..." He purrs, gently cupping Alex's balls as he worked. Alex spreads his legs further, struggling to keep his moans silent. He manages to fight down his urges though.
           "George stop, at least be quiet..." He huffs, putting his hand on the back of George's head, pushing him down further onto his cock. George gags a bit, digging his nails into Hamilton's thigh, which he ignored. He cursed himself for clipping his nails to be the shortest they could be. George huffs, bobbing his head on Alex's length slowly. Alex bucks his hips up slowly, feeling a steady heat starting to build.
            "Yes Mr. Washington? You want me to... Supervise Lee to make sure he doesn't do anything dumb?" He sighs in annoyance.
            "Yeah I suppose I can do that." He groans. George slowly picks up his pace, moaning into his cock as he teased the base with his tongue. Alex lets out a small huff, closing his eyes.
            "Yeah, no Mr. Washington, hah- I-I'm not busy." He says quietly, struggling not to moan as George sucked hard, swallowing around his cock and gently rubbing his balls. Alex bit his tongue to remind himself to stay quiet, listening to Washington carefully.
           "Yes I can help you write a letter to the company." He says quickly. George grumbles, suddenly and quickly thrusting his head down, using his lips and tongue to stimulate his partner. Alex gritted his teeth, desperately trying not to moan as the fiery warmth of pleasure shot through his cock.
           "MmM! Yep! No- No! No I'm not get- Okay yes! George is really getting into it! Ah!!" He finally gives in, admitting to the sinful situation he was in. Alex whines, looking down at George with a huff.
            "W-what? You want to talk... Dirty? Ahh... Fuck yeah I'd like that... I'll put you on speaker..." He clicks a button on the phone, and Washington starts to tease Alex.
           "You little slut, I know you're even cuter in person, with those beautiful blue eyes, and those plump lips. I want those wrapped around my cock." He purrs sulkily. George chuckles, hugging Alex's waist and deep throating his cock. Alex moans loudly, already getting close, his cock starting to twitch from the intense heat that was building.
"Mnhh!! George!" He whimpers, addressing both of them. Washington chuckles.
"Awww, you getting close cutie? Go ahead and cum for us, you know we'll wait as long as we have to." He says softly. Alexander whimpers, suddenly coming hard into George's mouth, George obediently swallowing around hjs cock.
          "Mmm, you taste like candy darling." He purrs sweetly. Washington chuckles over the phone.
           "Have fun? I bet you did. Anyway, I gotta get home, I shouldn't even be talking while driving." He quickly hangs up. Alex sighs contently, laying back and looking over at George.
           "You couldn't have waited a few minutes? That was wonderful, yeah- but you could've waited!" He argues. George smirks.
           "You could've told me to stop at any time sweetheart." He says confidently. Alex opened his mouth, but stopped, and sighed.
           "Yeah, you got a point."

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