Mullette - Working on three (Fluff)

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Alright! This was a request by @MandoTurtle, haven't done fluff in a while, so this is a nice change. Like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
((I apologize it's very short-))
3rd Person POV***

Hercules sighs, laying back on the couch after a long day. Lafayette should've been home by now. He had been at a party with Alexander and a few other people. At least, that's what his Snapchat story said. And judging from how he had been dancing on the coffee table, he'd had quite a few drinks. He looks up from his phone as he heard a knock at the door, quickly followed by Lafayette walking through the doorway, shutting the door behind him, and stumbling into the living room.
"Bonjour amour... I am sorry- I am a bit trashed... I am going to cuddle up with you now, okay?" He walks over to Hercules and sits down next to him on the couch. He then flops over into his lap, looking up at him with a small smile. Hercules chuckles.
"You're too much sometimes. You know that?" He asks, gently combing his fingers through the Frenchman's hair. Lafayette giggles.
"Oui, I think I am aware of that." He says with a smug grin. Hercules noticed Lafayette had an earbud in.
"You listening to something?" He asks. Lafayette blinks, raising his hand to his ear.
"Oh! No, shit- I lost the other one... Oh well, Alex will find it..." He takes it out of his ear, stuffing it into his pocket. Hercules smiles.
"Did you have fun?" He asks, gently caressing Lafayette's cheek with his thumb. Lafayette let out a small laugh, one that melted Hercules's heart every time he heard it. So sweet and casual, but it tugged at his heart strings like nothing else.
"Of course I did sweetheart. Mmm..." He yawns, sleepily snuggling into Hercules, nuzzling his head into him. Hercules shifts, adjusting himself so that he and Lafayette were cuddling a little closer, Lafayette snug and cozy in Hercules's arms.
"What would I do without you sweetheart?" Hercules asks. Lafayette thinks for a moment.
"Well you'd probably be baking or sewing." He says with a grin. Hercules scoffs.
"Aheh, yeah, maybe. Sweetheart, would you be here with me if we were women? I know it's a weird question... Would you be with a guy, or me?" Lafayette didn't hesitate with his answer.
"You amour. You have this aura about you. The way you smile, how passionate you get about things you like. You are amazing at so many things, mon cheri." He smiles sweetly. Hercules smiles, watching his lover slowly drift off to sleep. His calm expression was heartwarming. He gently ran his fingers through Lafayette's hair, yawning. He blinks tiredly, cuddling up with Lafayette and letting his head rest on the couch. He smiles, feeling Lafayette snuggle into him further as he drifted off to sleep himself.

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