Kingbury - Royal throne ;)

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199 reads?! You guys are great! But seriously, I'm running out of ideas, so REQUEST! Please! Okay? Okay. Like always, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up; 🍑🍆🍌🌭

3rd Person POV***

George sighed, laying back in bed and working on his taxes. He adjusted his glass, trying to read the fine print. Samuel walked into the room with a tray of tea.
"Hey George! I know you're always tired, and kinda thirsty before bed, so I made us some tea." He smiles, setting the tray on the bed. George looks up at Samuel with a smile.
"I think you and I have two different definitions of thirsty." Samuel blushes, sitting down next to George.
      "Oh please. You have a definition for everything..." He says with a sigh, laying back. George shrugs, taking off his shirt and unbuckling his pants.
        "Well I'm pretty sure we have the same definition of horny." He smiles. Samuel blushes, copying George and taking off his clothes.


        "Yes... That is one thing... Would you like me to have a seat on the royal throne?" He purrs, slowly straddling George's crotch, running his hands up and down his lover's sides. George closes his eyes.
        "Oh feel free to take a seat wherever you like.~" He says with smile. Samuel blushes, suddenly getting up and sitting on George's face. George flinches, trying to move Samuel, to no avail. He sighs, gently licking around Samuel's hole, dipping into him occasionally. Samuel moaned girlishly, gripping at the bedsheets as George slipped his tongue deeper into Samuel. Sam pulls off, straddling George's waist once again.
"Sorry, you said take a seat anywhere.~" He teases. George huffs.
"Not quite what I meant... Aah-..." He inhaled deeply as Samuel began grinding his cock up against George's. Sam smirked, watching the larger man squirm underneath him. He slowly positioned himself over George's cock, sitting down gently. He moaned quietly, gasping as he felt George's cock twitch inside him.
"Ahh! George..." He whimpered, tears in his eyes as he slowly started to raise and lower himself on George's thick member. George bit his lip, watching Sam's expression change every time he came down.
         "Shhhh... I know baby girl." He purrs, bucking his hips up to help Sam a bit. He felt a little guilty for not prepping Sam, but it was his idea to go in immediately. He moaned quietly as Sam began to bounce on his length, driving George's cock deeper and deeper in to him. Sam whimpers, gasping as George's cock hit his prostate repeatedly. He started slamming himself down, earning moans from George. Sam whimpers loudly.
         "George! I-I'm gonna-!" He suddenly cums hard onto his and George's stomach, thick cum dripping from his length. George huffs, suddenly pushing Sam back on the bed, and slammed into him mercilessly.
         "You came too early baby girl..." He growls, moaning lowly as he thrusted into Sam. Sam whimpers, tears pricking his eyes from overstimulation.
         "George! I'm going to-!" He whimpers as George covers his mouth with his hand. He moaned loudly, coming hard onto Sam, filling him up until cum dropped down his thighs. Sam came as well as a result, painting his stomach.
        "Mnhh... George..." He whimpers as the larger man pulled out. George smiles, kissing Sam on the forehead before laying down next to him.
       "Shhh... You're adorable... Now sleep..." He cuddles up with Sam happily. Sam smiles, hugging George gently.
       "I love you..." He purrs. George was already asleep at this point. Sam smiles, laying his head down.

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