Washette - Mon General

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Alright- I know I said I wouldn't do this, but I gotta. I gotta do it. If you're curious as to why, look up "Washingcuck". Just- just do it. Alright, anyway, like always, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Side note: I won the Hamilton ticket lottery...
But I have class.... FUCK.
So I can't go. I have to keep my responsibilities. I've never skipped class, and I'm not going to start today...
Feels BAD man.
SIDE side note: Nvm one of my amazing friends has bought tickets. Yes! I get to see Hamilton a second time!

3rd Person POV***

Lafayette relaxes, laying back in his bunk in his more or less comfortable tent at Valley Forge. He was reading a new pamphlet about the local politics when a voice sounded outside his tent flap.
"Gilbert? May I come in? I have a slight problem... That I need your help with..." The person says softly. Lafayette sets down the pamphlet, and sits up, sitting on the edge of his bed.
"George? If that is you, come in!" He says quickly. George opens the tent flap, ducking a bit to step inside. Lafayette smiles.
"Ah! George! Come in- why... do you have your cape on?" He asks, his attention quickly shifting to what George was wearing. George's cheeks flush pink, and he removes his cape, sitting it aside, revealing his rather tremendous problem. It was extremely clear, and his length was very easy to see through the tight pants he was wearing. Lafayette averts his gaze a bit to be polite.
"I-I see... That's why." He clears his throat.
"Anyway, what is the problem you need me to help you with?" He asks, looking up at George's embarrassed expression. George wrings his hands together as first, but he manages to collect himself, taking a deep breath. He quickly calms down, his demeanor changing to a more dominant state, like usual. He sits down next to Lafayette.
"Well, I was hoping you could help me with this... problematic situation." He gestures to his cock, which on the edge of being too large for anyone. Lafayette blinks in surprise, clasping his hands together.
"You wish for me to... lay with you?" He asks with a reasonably surprised expression. Washington seemed a little ashamed as he nodded in confirmation.
             "If that's alright with you. You're really the only one who makes me certain of anything. And, I was hoping we could deepen our relationship." He says sincerely. Lafayette watches him sit down next to him, hands in his lap. George looked at him expectantly, awaiting an answer.
             "Mon General... What if I say no? Will you be upset?" He asks. George shakes his head.
             "No. This is your choice. I am simply asking. That is all. If you say yes, however, I will be sure to give you as much pleasure as I am able." He says softly, his tone deep and husky. Lafayette shudders suddenly, feeling a bolt of excitement shoot through his crotch. Washington seems to notice, but doesn't continue to tease. Lafayette smirks playfully, laying back on his bed, looking up at George with a sweet smile.


              "Mmm... I suppose I'll have to give in to temptation. Come here mon amour, let's see if you can make a Frenchman beg." He purrs seductively. George's cheeks flush a deep pink, and he briskly takes off his cape, followed by his hat and overcoat. Lafayette smirks.
              "Mmm, Mon General? Would you mind undressing me as well?" He asks softly. George smiles, straddling Lafayette's waist and quickly stripping him of his coat and shirt. Lafayette shudders at the cold, his toned frame and pale skin even paler in the cool toned light. He watches George take off his shirt, showing off his stocky build, on the muscular side. Lafayette smiles.
             "Fuzzy. Hehe." He giggles, resting his hand on George's chest. George smiles, taking his cape and wrapping it around Lafayette to keep him warm. He hums happily, watching George slide his thumb under the rim of his pants, slowly sliding them down and setting them aside. He hovers over Lafayette, kissing him on the lips softly, being gentle and passionate. Lafayette sighs contently, wrapping his arms loosely around his neck, and sliding his hands down his back. George hums, slowly starting to drift away from Lafayette's lips, and kissing along his jawline, occasionally sucking gently or giving him a teasing lick. Lafayette giggles as George holds his earlobe with his lips.
"Hehe! Amour, your breath tickles!" He laughs. George smiles, kissing Lafayette on the cheek and then moving down to his neck. He liberally sucked and nipped gently on the sensitive skin, careful not to leave a lasting mark. Lafayette bites his lip.
"Mmm... George... You are very gentle, no? Don't be afraid to break me. Well- don't, but understand I do like it a little rougher." He explains. George thinks for a moment and nods.
"Mmm, alright Gilbert. I know what you'll like." He says huskily, sending another bolt of excitement through Lafayette.
"Show me." He insists, squirming. George smirks, moving down Lafayette's chest to his nips, suddenly taking one into his mouth and sucking gently, swirling his tongue around it. Lafayette moans softly, squirming a bit as he felt the excitement build to a peak, his cock twitching with need.
"Mmm, seems this works." He goes to the other and sucks and nips it gently, making Lafayette moan and squirm again. He smiles, pulling away and kissing Lafayette on the lips sweetly. He pulls up again, looking down at Lafayette with a smile.
"I'm going to try something, and I need you to stay quiet." He warns, covering Lafayette with a blanket to keep him warm as he moved down to Lafayette's crotch. Lafayette blushes deeply, watching George move his legs apart and move closer. He smirks, kissing the tip of Lafayette's length through his boxers before slowly pulling them off. Lafayette's length was a decent size, nothing to sneeze at certainly. George affectionately kisses down his cock slowly, and moves further down to his entrance. He holds Lafayette's legs up, giving him one final lustful look before quickly sliding his tongue into Lafayette. He jumps in surprise, letting out a moan.
"Mmm!" He opens his mouth in a lewd expression, gasping as George slid his tongue in deeper, lapping at his walls eagerly.
"G-George! Mnnnh!" He squirms, clamping a hand over his mouth as George brushed his prostate. Lafayette whimpers, his eyes squeezed shut as the pleasure built slowly, a knot starting to form as George continued to stimulate him. George grins, pulling away and wiping his mouth. Lafayette huffs, his breathing already getting ragged.
"Have fun? Looks like you did. Do you have any lube? If not, you're going to have to lube me up a different way." George explains quietly. Lafayette thinks for a moment, having to bring his focus back to his surroundings.
           "Um... Oui." He reaches into a small box by the bed, which had all sorts of self care items, perfume, powder for wigs, and of course vegetable oil for a skin moisturizer. Lafayette pulls out the small bottle of vegetable oil, smiling as he took the cork off with his teeth, setting it aside. He hands the bottle to George. George smiles, pouring a generous amount on his fingers and spreading it around evenly, careful not to let it drip onto the bed.
           "Perfect." George purrs, taking off his pants and boxers with one hand. He sighs with relief as his length sprung up, free from the tight confines of his pants. Lafayette eyes widened at the size, glancing up at George with a ''you can't be serious'' look. George let's out a small laugh.
"Don't worry, I'll stretch you out beforehand." He smiles reassuringly. He scoots closer to Lafayette, kissing him on lips gently as he circled his fingers around his entrance. Lafayette moans softly as George gained dominance in the kiss, entwining his tongue with Lafayette's. George suddenly slips a finger into Lafayette, making Lafayette moan in surprise, his hands jumping to George's back. George careful slides it in deeper, feeling around for his sweet spot. Lafayette whimpers, moaning girlishly as George found it, and began rubbing it quickly. He slid in a second finger, Lafayette moaning at the stretch, the slight sting adding to his pleasure. Lafayette whines, holding onto George tightly as he thrusted his fingers into him slowly.
"Mnhhh... George... S-Sil vous plaît..." He begs quietly. George smiles, sitting up a bit to see Lafayette's face as he slipped in a third finger. Lafayette opened his mouth wide in a rather lewd expression.
"Ahh! M-Mon General!" He whimpers, holding George's arm tightly. George smiles, pulling his fingers away and moving them to his own length, slowly lubing it up by pumping it slowly. He bites his lip, watching Lafayette squirm with excitement.
"P-Please..." He begs again. George gently spreads Lafayette's legs, and presses his tip to Lafayette's entrance. Lafayette gasps as George slid the tip in, reflexively squeezing around his cock.
             "Ahh!! O-ow..." He whines. George frowns, leaning down and kissing Lafayette on the cheek.
             "I know... Sorry..." He lets Lafayette get used to it, and slides in the rest of the way when he nods. Lafayette whimpers, pressing himself into the bed, eyes screwed shut.        
              "Mmhhhh! George!" He moans. George huffs, grinding his hips into Lafayette and starting to thrust in and out slowly. Lafayette was a moaning mess, the unfamiliar sensation already driving him mad.
              "Ah! Oui! Oui! Mon General!" He begs loudly. George puts a finger to his lips, shushing Lafayette.
               "Shhhh... Be a good boy..." He purrs huskily, putting a hand over Lafayette's mouth to muffle his incessant moaning. He starts to pick up his pace, finding Lafayette's sweet spot and thrusting quickly into him, driving out long muffled moans from the smaller man. Lafayette whimpers, the weight behind George's thrusts was overwhelming and brutal, and he knew he would be hurting for a few days after this. But for now, it was the most sinful version of heaven. A fiery knot was building in the pit of his stomach, spreading to his groin. Lafayette moans sharply as George slams into him at nearly full speed, hugging him close to his chest. Lafayette hugs him back, clawing at his back desperately. George growls deeply, feeling the same heat deep in his groin, slowly climbing up into his stomach, his mind going blank, focusing only on the pleasure.
                 "I'm getting close... Fuck Gilbert... You close?" He asks quietly. Lafayette nods vigorously, whimpering loudly.
                 "C-Come inside... F-Fill me!" He begs. George's excitement spiked, and he thrusted harder, slamming into Lafayette's prostate with perfect accuracy. Lafayette screams in pleasure, the knot in his groin suddenly unraveling, the biggest feeling of relief and ecstasy spreading through his stomach as he came hard onto his and George's chest. George lets out small moan, a little more high pitched, he stilled inside Lafayette, suddenly coming hard into him, filling him to the brim. Lafayette bit his lip at the warm sensation, watching George's face relax as he finished. George pulls out, tiredly flopping over next to Lafayette.
"Thank you... For that..." He pants, his hair and voice a bit disheveled. He grabs his shirt and pants and quickly puts them back on. Lafayette frowns.
"Leaving so soon?" He asks, pouting. George sighs, nodding.
"I'll be back, I have something I need to discuss with Hamilton, regarding his conduct." He explains, putting on his boots and overcoat. He leaves his cape with Lafayette.
"You can cuddle with the cape for now. I suppose." He hums. Lafayette smiles, wrapping himself up in the cape happily.
"Je t'aime George." He purrs sweetly. George smiles, putting on his hat and exiting the tent.
"Je t'aime aussi, Lafayette."

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