Jamilton - Aren't you going to turn it off?!

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Alright, like usual, writing in the middle of the night. Skip to these if you don't like the lead up; 🍑🍆🍌🌭

Hamilton POV***

🍑🍆🍌🌭 (Lucky you 😉)

I stifled my moans by covering my mouth with my free hand, quickly pumping my cock. I could feel the tension building, a pit of warmth growing in my abdomen. I jumped in surprise as Thomas entered the room.
"Lexi, I thought- Oh." He took pause, suddenly grinning as he made his way over to me.
"I thought you would wait till I got home.~ I guess not." He goes into a drawer by the bed, meanwhile I'm still trying to finish myself off before he can do anything. He grabs my wrists, suddenly handcuffing me to the bedposts. I whimper, my cock twitching in need.
"Thomas... I was so close..." I whine. Thomas smirks, taking hold of my dick and slowly jerked me off. I was about to cum, but he stopped, letting the feeling fade before doing it again, edging my climax over and over. I whine, squirming.
"Thomas stop... Please!" I beg, whimpering. He slips a cock ring on me, continuing to mercilessly pump my length. I was writhing from pleasure but he just wouldn't quit. He stops, and hides something from my sight. I feel something press against my hole. I was about to open my mouth to speak, when the cold plastic vibrator slipped into me. I gasp, looking down at Thomas, who had the remote. He switched it on to low, making the vibrator rumble slowly. I whimper, slow waves of pleasure going through me. I wanted to cum so bad, but the cock ring prevented this. Thomas just sat there, grinning at me.
"This is what happens when you don't wait.~" He says, smugly turning the vibrator on to high. I moan loudly, waves of pleasure making me shake and tremble.
"Ahh! Thomas! Take it off!" I beg. Thomas smiles.
"Oh alright.~" He takes the cock ring off, and I immediately cum hard onto my stomach and his hand. I whimper loudly, the vibrator still going off. Thomas grins.
"Oh did you want to turn that off? Sorry.~" He puts the remote down at the foot of the bed, starting to leave the room.
"Thomas! Aren't you going to turn it off?!" I ask, feeling the pressure build again. He waves goodbye. I gasp as I cum hard onto my stomach again.
"Thomas! Damn you asshole!"

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