Jamilams - Hot Water

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This was requested by @helplessandqueer, sorry it took so long for me to get to your request bud! Two Jamilams chapters in a row? Wow, you guys are lucky. Anyway, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sidenote: I hate online college. I'd rather have a job. ;w;

3rd Person POV:

Alexander sighs quietly, laying back in his outdoor jacuzzi. The bubbles and the heat were so soothing, making him melt against the side of it. He smiles, closing his eyes as he focused on the feeling of the bubbles going up his back, and the jets massaging the muscle.

Thomas was over for business reasons. And by business, he meant that his computer had broken and he was borrowing his PC to carry out his work. He didn't ask what Jefferson did for a living, though he guessed it had to do with finance. That or he had business partners in France. Either way, he didn't really care. All he cared about was the warmth of the water, and the calming sound of the fizz.

Until he heard bare feet walking across the pool deck. He didn't feel like opening his eyes, simply listening to the footsteps getting closer, and closer. They stopped just beside him, and his ear perked up as he heard the water slosh around. He felt the water ripple and heard a long drawn out sigh. No voice, just their breath. Alex smiles, assuming it was Laurens who had wanted a little soak in the Jacuzzi.

"Need a break from the tapping of Thomas's keyboard?" He asks with a little smile, slightly adjusting his position so the jets would hit higher on his back. He heard a little breathy scoff. Alex took that as a yes, smiling. "Thomas can be a little annoying sometimes, but he does have a winning smile." He admits, thinking for a moment. He felt a gentle hand under his chin, gently caressing his cheek as well. He sighs softly, melting into his touch. "I will admit though, his lips are very tempting... Like they're pillows or something. You notice that Laurens?" He asks, hoping to get an answer. He blushes as he feels himself get pulled a little. Lips pressed against his, soft and smelling of strawberry lip balm. He embraced the kiss eagerly, whimpering softly at the plumpness of- He pauses, opening his eyes to see Thomas, instead of Laurens. He gasps, about to yell out in surprise when Thomas shushed him.

"Shh, be quiet Alexander. Just relax for a second." He purrs with a southern drawl. Alexander felt an odd mix of guilt and temptation rise. On one hand, this was a very sexy opportunity to have sex with Thomas. On the other, he would be cheating on Laurens. On a normal night, he would say no. But the Jacuzzi was warm, and he was horny from the sudden kiss. He stayed silent, curious as to what Thomas had to say.

"I was wondering if you wanted to indulge a bit. I mean, the way you were talking, seems like you're pretty tempted by me." He says thoughtfully, smirking at Alexander. The smaller man swallowed nervously, chewing his lip. He was tempted. That was what he didn't want to admit.


"I-I... I don't want Laurens to know." Alex says softly, glancing at the sliding glass door. The curtains had been pulled over to block the view, which made him feel a little better. Thomas nods, smirking as he leaned in and kissed Alexander in the neck, nipping the sensitive skin gently as his hand slid down his chest. Alexander shivered with delight, biting his lip. Thomas let out a low chuckle, his voice deep and seductive.

"That's a good boy. Now call me Master.~" He purred the demand in Alex's ear, making Alex quiver again, his thighs tensing as his cock twitched. Heat started to pool in his groin, building his excitement. He was starting to forget that this was a bad idea. Alexander let the words pass his lips before he thought on them.

"M-Master please...~ I'll be good." He whimpered softly, swallowing as Thomas sucked at his neck gently. Thomas smiles, letting his hands roam down Alex's skin, dipping below the water to caress his sides. The excitement that gathered in his groin was already making him squirm.

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