Jamilton - Tsundere/Yandere (Mild BDSM)

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Alright, we're gonna jump right in! Here we go, like usual, if you don't like the lead up, Skip to these: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ This is a LONG one.

//Side note, this was a request from a friend of mine— Uh. Also Halloween Chapter?//

Jefferson POV***

I bit my lip, watching Alexander from afar. I know he has a secret crush on me. I just know it. He knows where I am, I saw him look at me. I saw him blush. I almost squeal in excitement, I couldn't wait to tell Alex how I feel, if he didn't know already.

He's so perfect. Small compared to me, but so cute, with his auburn hair up in a ponytail, and those amazing violet-blue eyes. He was thin, sure, but he had such a feminine way about him, elegant, graceful. I almost forgot he's a guy. Not that this was a problem, of course.

He's perfect. He doesn't always agree with me, at all. But I don't really mind. He's perfect.

Alexander POV***

I glanced at Jefferson from afar, and with dread I watched him slowly approach me. He's a little cute and all, but he's... Creepy. He's always watching me, and I feel a little unsettled. Even my subconscious warns me when he's near. He calls me cute. Uhg, I'm clearly not, I'm handsome, not cute.

He also calls me small. Just because he's tall, it doesn't mean he can rub it in my face like that. Even though he's creepy as hell, I can't help but love his attention. I don't get much of it. And I honestly don't have much instinct for self preservation. Still, I couldn't help but be curious when he walked up to me. He had the biggest smile on his face, I think I could see his gums.
"Hey! Alexander! I've wanted to tell you this for a while, but I couldn't get my courage up. But now I think I can tell you! I really like you, whenever you're around my heart pounds in my chest, and I can't stop thinking about you..." He admits openly. I took a couple steps back, honestly a bit freaked out. That smile, that damned smile. If he wasn't smiling so wide, I might be able to take this more seriously. I do my best to smile back.
"Oh- Wow... Jefferson... I could kinda tell... Well, I do think you're good looking, and I appreciate the confession, but I like someone else..." I did my best to be polite, but even then, Jefferson's smile disappeared faster than it appeared, which made a chill go down my spine.
"Y-you... You don't like me? But... I confessed and everything... Hahahahaha... Surely you must be mistaken..." He smiles again, this time seeming less sure, it was almost crooked. I wasn't sure which smile I preferred. And that laugh made me uncomfortable in the worst of ways. Even my skin didn't seem to want to be on my body. Out of panic, I blurted the first thing that came to mind.
"N-no! That's not what I meant! I do like you... I just-" He didn't even let me finish before he started talking again. Usually he was much quieter.
"Oh! Yes! You have to come to my house! Don't bother asking for my address! You already have it!" He happily ran away, leaving me confused. I didn't even know what to think. What the hell did he mean? I already have his address? I'm fairly certain he never- my phone went off, letting me know I had a text. My heart dropped as I saw the notification. It was from Jefferson, somehow he had gotten my phone number. He texted me his address.

He lived across the street from me? Why the hell had I never seen him out and about? Then again, maybe he always went to school earlier than me. He always seemed to just be at school. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do.

On one hand, I was curious, and I was horny, as Laurens had been out of town for quite some time. He texted me on occasion. And on the other hand, I didn't want to be anywhere near Jefferson. He seemed dangerous, unstable. And I also didn't want to die anytime soon. Much less by the hands of a crazy psycho.


     As I was walking back home, I wondered what Jefferson knew about me. I thought about all the times I saw him. He was always just... watching. Never really coming up to me until today. Stupid Jefferson... If he wasn't so creepy, I might like him more. Oh well. As I walked up to my house, I looked across the street at Jefferson's house. I saw the light in his room was on, I felt my skin prickle with goosebumps as I also noticed the blinds were pulled down slightly. He was watching me. I gulped, weighing my options. I either accept his invitation, and possibly die and/or have a good time. Or, I can go home and never come out.

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