Jamilton - Fuck me yourself!

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I honestly don't where this will go, so, prepare to be surprised I guess! Again, feel free to comment on a ship you want to see! Also woohoooo 3:15 am!
Alex POV***

I was busy writing while walking, something I often did not partake in. Even if it was just around my office, it kept my mind occupied. I jumped as I heard a knock at the doorstep. I looked at my paper, now ruined because of the line of ink running across the page. I groan, tossing the parchment aside and begrudgingly trudging to the front door. I was already formulating a response when the sight of Thomas surprised me as I opened my door. It had grown dark outside, I had only just noticed.
    "Thomas, what are you doing here? Dusk has come and gone." I ask, gesturing to the sky in irritation. Thomas smiles, in his typical snarky manner, which never ceased to annoy me.
    "Well, I thought you might enjoy some company! I know your wife is out of town, so I thought you'd perhaps like someone around." He says as a matter of factly. I notice he had a dish in his hand. I could smell the sharp and distinct odor of cheese. I grimaced.
     "Well I don't much enjoy your particular company, Mr. Jefferson, and I would much rather eat whatever you have in that dish. I can assure you I would not enjoy that either." I started to close the door, hoping he would accept this. I was wrong, something I do not take lightly. Jefferson roughly pushed the door open again, squishing me between the wall and the door.
      "Well that's too bad Alex, I'm here now and I don't take no for an answer! Alex?" He seemed confused. I huff, quickly slamming the door shut, my glasses hanging off my face. Jefferson turned to me quickly, still holding onto what I could now see was macaroni. God damn it.
       "Ah! There you are you tiny little man! You always look hungry, so I thought I'd bring a snack!" He says, overexcited. I groan, straightening my glasses.
      "Oh go fuck yourself..." I mumble. Jefferson sets the macaroni down on my desk, and folds his arms.
      "Fuck me yourself, you coward!" He shoots back. I suddenly saw red, was he questioning me?! I growl lowly, quickly trodding up to him. Without thinking, I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back and down against my desk, knocking the macaroni on the floor in the process. Jefferson's eyes suddenly went wide, with shock or fear, I couldn't tell, and I didn't care.

Jefferson POV***

Alexander had me pinned against his desk, I was more impressed at his ambition than anything else.
     "A-Alexander..." I meekly whimper out. Of all the times for my voice to crack, it had to happen now? Alexander's expression suddenly changed, something that didn't often happen. I suddenly found myself kissing him deeply, his warm tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. I moan quietly, closing my eyes. Before I knew what was happening, he was removing my overcoat and unbuttoning my shirt.
     "Alexander what are you doing?~" I manage, biting my lip. Alexander gently reaches his hand down my pants, palming my length through my briefs. I gasp, reflexively pushing my face into his shoulder.
     "Alexander...~" He covers my mouth with his hand, looking into my eyes as he pumped my length slowly, his rhythm slow and melodic. I was speechless, the man had finally shut me up. I took him for the straight type but I was clearly mistaken. He pulled my pants down, quickly leaving me in nothing but my shirt. He turned me around, bending me over the desk on my stomach half naked. I flinch as I hear him unbuckle his belt.
      "Alex what are you- ah!" He clearly didn't want me to speak, grabbing my hair and pulling it roughly. I whimper, looking back at him nervously. His pants were at his ankles, and he was pumping his length slowly, rubbing vegetable oil on his manhood gently. He gently rubbed oil around my tight hole, gently slipping a finger into me out of curiosity. I whimpered quietly, tensing up a bit.
      "H-Hamilton this is my first time with a dude...~" I say quietly. Alex scoffs.
      "Really? Madison didn't even jack you off? You two are so close I though for sure you'd hit it off with him." He said quickly, removing the finger and suddenly slipping his tip into me. I moan, trying to hold it back.
      "A-AhhH!~" I whimpered, tears springing to my eyes as he slowly pushed deep into me, grinding his hips. Alex seemed to enjoy my moans and whimpers, grabbing at my hair. He slowly started to pull out and push in, gradually forming a steady pace.

Alex POV***

I was holding back as much as I could, the incessant moans and noises coming from Thomas were driving me mad. In my sexual frustration I pulled at his hair, only earning more sounds of divine delight. I slowly quickened my pace, watching Thomas writhe underneath me in utter pleasure. I was already brimming with excitement, and finally I couldn't take it. I fucked the hell out of that beautiful man, ramming into him faster, I knew it was a little painful for him, but all I could hear were sounds of pleasure and his voice calling my name, I could feel him tensing up, and I myself was close to the edge, pressure building in us. I came hard inside him, and I heard him moan loudly in perfect sync with me, his breath ragged from screaming my name. I very carefully pulled out of him, and plopped down in my chair, shifting my gaze to his exhausted face.

Thomas POV***

I was still out of it from the amazing sex we indulged in. I got up, wincing a bit at the pain as I put my clothes back on.
     "That was something else Alex... I just hope your wife doesn't find out..." I say quietly, picking up the macaroni off the floor, which had thankfully landed bottom down.
      "Are you hungry?" I ask. Alex waves his hand dismissively. I sigh. "You're gonna make me eat this by myself? It's no fun by yourself..." I whine. Alex sighs.
      "Fine! I'll have some! Then will you leave?" He asks, rather snappy if I may add. I nod.
       "Of course.~ Alexander.~"

Oh my goodness 1060 words in one sitting?
It is now 4:35 am. One sitting. Hell. Yes.

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