Pheackdosia - Innocent

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Okay, this was requested by @AceBETHANY, a new ship we haven't seen yet! Anyway, like usual, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

((Also I found this song, and I think you ALL should hear it. His voice is beautiful, and he's good on the piano! And it's very nice, and I'm asking you to just give it five minutes of your time.))

3rd Person POV***

Phillip smiles, casually sitting on the couch with his friends, Theodosia and Eacker. They were sipping soda from glass coke bottles. Eacker finished his soda, seeming to get an idea.
"Hey, you guys wanna play Truth or dare, crossed with spin with bottle?" He asks with a sly smirk. Theo chuckles.
          "I know that look. You wanna be dirty... I don't think Phillip is ready for that. Look at him." She gestures to Phillip. Phillip blinks.
          "What? What do you mean dirty? Oh wait- You mean sexy?" He asks, blushing a bit. Eacker smiles, getting up and sitting down on the carpet, setting the bottle down. Theo sat down by the bottle, and Phillip, not wanting to look like a wimp, decided to do the same. Eacker chuckles.
          "You up for this Pip?" He asks teasingly. Phillip nods.
           "Yeah, I'm not a baby... I know what sex is... I just... Ah, haven't had it yet." He says quietly. Theo smiles.
           "I'll spin the bottle first, if you guys don't mind." She grabs the bottle and spins it. Phillip held his breath as it spun. It landed on Eacker, and he let out his breath. Theo smiles.
            "Truth or dare?" She asks. Eacker grins devilishly.
            "Dare." He purrs. Theo laughs.
            "Ohhhh, a brave one. Okay, I dare you to take off your shirt and pinch your nips for a bit." She chuckles. Phillip blushes harder, feeling a bit out of place. Eacker scoffs, taking off his shirt quickly. He reached up to his chest, his physique toned and fit. He gently rubs and pinches his nips, pulling on them a little. He moans softly, biting his lip. Phillip covered his crotch with his shirt as he felt a boner popping up. Eacker stops for a break, sighing with relief as he spun the bottle. Phillip swallowed as it landed on him. Not wanting to look like a wimp, once again, chose the option he was dreading.
"D-Dare I guess." He says sheepishly. Eacker smirks.
"Take off those pants Pip. I know you got a boner." He says mischievously. Phillip swallows nervously, obediently taking off his pants. His length wasn't quite fully erect, but it was getting there. He spun the bottle, surprised as it landed on Theo. Theo smiles.
          "Dare." She says confidently. Phillip quickly tried to thing of something to dare her to do.
         "Uhhhhh... I dare you to kiss the person the bottle lands on next- Passionately! And- if it lands on you, take off your shirt." He says. Theo nods, agreeing. Eacker spun the bottle, laughing as it landed on Phillip. Phillip hardly had time to react before Theodosia's lips were on his. She kissed him deeply, gently holding his side and the back of his neck. Phillip melted into it, shuddering as Theo slipped her tongue in, exploring. He whimpered as she pulled away, his cheeks flush with embarrassment. Phillip remembered it was his turn to do truth or dare.
           "T-Truth." He says softly. Eacker sighs, seeming disappointed.
           "Awwwww... Lame... Ah well... Do you want to fuck either of us?" He asks with a smirk. Phillip thinks for a moment.
          "W-Well I'd need um... Y-Yes." He admits. Theo smiles.
          "Awwww, you're adorable hun. Alright, spinny time!" She spun the bottle, laughing as it landed on Phillip again. Phillip laughs nervously.
          "Oh no- Aheh... D-Dare..." He stutters. Theo grins mischievously.
          "I dare you to take off my clothes, except my bra and panties." She says, biting her lip. Phillip's face turned red, and he scooted over, taking off her shirt. He did his best to be respectful, looking away from her boobs as he also helped her take off her pants. He went back to his place on the carpet, and spun the bottle. He sighed as it landed on Eacker. Eacker smirks.

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