Jamilams - Sudden F***

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This ship was requested by @qARandomAccountp, since we haven't done it in a while, why not? Anyway, like always, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

          Alexander sighs. It was a lazy, rainy day. He was reading a biography on Lin Manuel Miranda, which was wonderfully written. Thomas was snacking on popcorn while he watched videos on YouTube with his headphones on, mostly beauty guru stuff. And Laurens was sitting beside Alex on the couch, doodling away in his sketchbook. Finally Alex couldn't take the silence anymore, it was getting way too boring.
           "You guys wanna fuck?" He says suddenly. Laurens bursts out laughing, his pencil line drifting across his page.
          "Hahahaha!" He cackled, wheezing out a few more squeaky laughs. Thomas took off his headphones, completely oblivious to what just happened.
           "What? What happened?" He asks quickly. Laurens could hardly manage his answer.
           "Hahaha! Alex just suddenly asked- heheh! Sorry- He just asked 'You guys wanna fuck?' Like that has to be the most sudden and spontaneous way you've just asked for sex. Well- unexpected, I should say!" He says, stilling giggling. Thomas smiles, letting out an amused huff.
           "Well, do you wanna fuck?" Thomas asks with a grin, getting up and walking over to Alex. Laurens shrugs.
           "Sure why not? Let's fuck." He says, on board with the idea. Thomas grins, suddenly grabbing Alex under the arms.
            "I got him! He's mine!" He laughs, picking him up and carrying him to the bedroom. Laurens laughs.
"Hey! You have to share!" He chases after Thomas. Alex giggles, wrapping his legs around Thomas's waist.
"Heh... Hey, which one of you is fucking me?" He asks with a grin, biting his lip. Thomas grins, tossing Alex down on the bed. John huffs, jumping onto the bed, landing next to Alex.


"Alex, you good with eating me out and then sucking my dick?" He asks bluntly. Alex grins.
"Fuck yeah I'm good with it, sit on my face." He growls lowly. Laurens smirks, starting to strip off his clothes. Alex bites his lip, looking up at Thomas, who was tossing his pants to the side, already nude. Thomas grins, starting to help Alex take off his pants and boxers. Alex bites his lip as his cock sprung free, red, hard, aching to be touched. Thomas bites his lip, reaching down to Alex's length and slowly pumping it. The tingly pleasure that rose in his groin was intoxicating and addicting. He needed more, and he needed it now. Alex whimpers, spreading his legs.
"Fuck me..." He demands. Thomas raises an eyebrow, taking the lube from the nightstand.
"Really? You want me to fuck your cute little ass?" He teases, lubing up his fingers and circling one around his entrance. Alex whines pitifully.
"F-Fuck yes... I want your thick cock..." He says breathlessly. Thomas smiles.
"And what do you want me to do?" He asks with a smirk. Alex moans softly as Thomas slipped a finger into him. The familiar feeling only made him want more.
"I want your thick cock inside me... I want you to fuck me until my voice is sore." He begs. Thomas smiles, sliding another finger inside Alex, rubbing against his prostate gently. He was quickly reminded of why he was gay, a burst of pleasure rocketing through his cock. Alex moans deeply, gasping as Thomas scissored his fingers inside him. He whines, excitement building as Thomas slowly added a third finger.
"Fuck me already!" Alex growls. Thomas pulled his fingers out, grinning as he slicked up his own cock. Laurens grins, suddenly sitting on Alex's face. Alex let out a muffled and surprised yelp. He reached up and held Laurens waist, sliding his tongue around his entrance. Laurens moaned softly, biting his lip.
"Ahhh... Fuck Lex..." He whimpers. Alex hums, sliding his tongue into John, making him moan girlishly.
"Ahhhh...~ Fuck yes..." He squeezes his eyes shut as Alex tongue fucked him. He pressed himself down a little further, forcing Alex's tongue deeper inside, tickling his prostate. He whimpers, desperate for more. Alex tapped John's thigh, and John let up a bit so Alex could breathe.
"S-Sorry..." He says apologetically. Alex huffs.
"Don't wor- Ahh!!" He moans sharply as Thomas quickly slid into him. His thick cock filled him to the brim, excitement climbing further up his cock. He whimpers, biting his thumb to stifle a few of his louder moans. Thomas growls lowly, starting to thrust into Alex at a medium pace, rolling his hips to hit Alex's prostate. Alex moans deeply, his cheeks flushed pink with lust.
           "Mmm... Fuck Alex... You're so tight and warm around my cock.~" He teases, sliding his hand up Alex's thigh. Alex hums, looking up at Laurens as he straddled his face. Alex opened his mouth, sticking his tongue out teasingly. John chuckles, gently setting his tip in Alex's mouth. Alex wrapped his lips around his length, sucking on it greedily, trying to get more in his mouth. John let out a shaky breath, biting his lip as Alex massaged the shaft with his tongue.
           "F-Fuck Lex..." He whimpers, gasping as Alex grabbed his waist and pulled him forward, deep throating his cock. John moaned deeply as Alex swallowed around his cock, finally starting to bob his head. Thomas huffs, growling deeply as he felt Alex tense a little, clearly he was getting close like he was. Thomas bites his lip.
           "Alex... Ahh! Mmm... You getting close baby?" He asks, starting to thrust much faster into Alex. Alex nods the best he could, moaning slightly into Laurens cock. The vibration made John shudder in delight. Alex whimpers, feeling the familiar sensation of pressure building in his cock. He moans into John's cock as he suddenly came hard onto his stomach, tingly relief and pleasure rocketing up his length. Laurens moans sharply, suddenly coming hard into Alex's mouth, which Alex greedily swallowed up. Thomas also came pretty soon after that, sighing shakily.
           "Ahhh... Fuck Alex..." He slowly pulls out, watching Laurens retreat as well. Alex giggles softly. Laurens smiles.
           "Heh, what's funny?" He asks, laying down beside Alex. Thomas lays down on the other side of Alex, waiting for him to answer. Alex giggles again.
          "I am the master of pleasure.~" He jokes. Thomas and John laugh, all of them in a smiley mood. Alex sighs happily.
          "I'm so happy I'm with you guys..." John smiles, nestling into the bed.
          "Yeah... Thomas is pretty cool too." He laughs. Thomas rolls his eyes.
          "Ha ha. I love you too."

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