KingBury - What're you hiding?

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Alright, here we are, I started college last week! Yay! 😬 Not really- my biology class is insane- Anyway, like usual, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up; ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

       Samuel sighs, taking his bag of books from the table, and going to his bookshelf to sort them. He had purchased some books earlier in the day, some a bit raunchy. One in particular was titled; "How to Please your Lover". He started shelving his books, carefully sliding some volumes into free spaces. George walked into the doorway, leaning against it as he watched Samuel.
       "Buy more books?" He asks bluntly. Samuel turns to George for a moment.
        "Hmm? Oh! Yes, quite a few actually." He says with a grin, picking up the lewd book. George tilts his head.
         "What's that one about?" He asks, putting his arms behind his back as he began walking closer. Samuel looked at the cover, his face going beet red.
         "No it's- it's nothing!" He stammers, hiding the book behind his back. George grins, stopping as he was nearly in hug distance.
         "Are you sure it's nothing? You seem rather flustered." He purrs, taking a step closer and caressing his hand against Samuel's cheek. Sam looks up at George slowly.
         "It's... Really nothing..." He insists. George grins, suddenly reaching around him and snatching the book. Samuel was too surprised at first to realize what had just happened, but he quickly snatched the book back, placing it on the shelf. George grins.
         "How to please your lover? My my... What has my Sammy been up to?" He asks in a husky tone, pressing his hand to Samuel's chest, pressing him against the bookshelf. Samuel whimpers quietly, looking up at George nervously.


"George... I can explain..." He whispers. George smiles, leaning in closer, raising a hand to the back of Samuel's head. He pulls him in, kissing him deeply, slipping his tongue past Samuel's lips. The smaller man squirmed in delight at George's advances. He abruptly pulls away.
          "W-Wait... Lets do this on the bed..." He insists. George smirks, picking Samuel up and tossing him on the bed. Samuel flushes red, looking up at George, who had climbed onto the bed with him.
"So, you like hiding things from me? What else have you learned from those books, hm?" He asks, looming over Samuel. Samuel gulps.
"N-nothing... I swear!" He says quickly. George grins, stripping off his clothes, revealing his slim but well toned figure, as well as his rather girthy length.
"Mhm, sure." He proceeded to take off Samuel's clothes. The smaller man didn't stop him, as being this submissive was a turn on. George grins, gently stroking Samuel's erect length. Samuel closed his eyes, seeming to enjoy the gentle touching. George smiles.
"Do you want to show me what you've learned?~" He asks in a husky tone. Samuel blushes, looking up at George with a slow nod. He sits up, gently placing his hands on George's chest and back, pulling him a bit closer and kissing him on the neck, planting small kisses on him. He sucks gently, trying not to leave any hickeys. George sighs.
"Mm... This is nice, but I'd like you to be a little rougher." George says quietly, sliding his hands up Samuel's sides. Samuel smiles, suddenly nipping at George's neck and collarbone. George yelps with his mouth closed, a bit surprised. Samuel chuckles under his breath, slowly licking a line up George's neck to his ear. He gently nibbled and sucked George's ear, making him shudder and melt into him.
"Sammy... Ahh..." George moans quietly. Samuel slowly planted kisses down George's neck and chest, sucking here and there. He gets down to George's crotch, slowly palming George's cock. George lays back, relaxing. Samuel plants a kiss on George's tip, smiling as George wiggled a bit. He kitten licks the tip, slowly caressing the rest of his length. He takes George's tip into his mouth, sucking gently. He lowers his head down to about halfway, twisting his head and bobbing his head slowly. George moans quietly, looking down at Samuel with approval. Samuel hollows his cheeks, suddenly bobbing his head faster and faster. George moans louder, putting his hands on the back of Samuel's head. Samuel looks up at George meekly, sucking hard as he quickly bobbed his head on his cock. He deep throated George, gagging a bit at the tip of his length hit the back of his throat. George suddenly holds Samuel there, bucking his hips into Samuel's mouth, making him gag loudly.
        "Ahh!! Fuck yes! I'm gonna cum-!" He grunts, coming hard down Samuel's throat. Samuel swallowed, coughing as George let him go.
       "George- Ahh... Are you gonna fuck me?" He asks impatiently. George lays back on the bed.
       "Mmm... Nah... Too tired now..." He says with a smile. Samuel sighs, laying down next to him.
        "Fine... I'm gonna get you back for this. It's gonna happen man." He promises. George yawns.
        "That's nice dear."

Once again, I apologize for the delay, College is much different than I thought it would be. Feel free to leave a request, I am always taking them. :)

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