JeffMads - Party for Two

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Alright! 11:28 pm! Who's read for more smut? I am!
Madison POV***

I received a letter from Thomas a month ago, telling me his family was going to throw a party. I rode in a horse drawn carriage to Monticello, looking at the rolling fields pass by. As the carriage stopped, I found myself face to face with Thomas as he opened the door for me.
"Madison! It's so nice you decided to come! A little late, but that's alright!" He smiles, putting his arm over my shoulder. I smile back, walking along with him.
"I thought you said there was a party? I don't hear any commotion." I say, a bit confused. He smirks at me.
"Oh? That was yesterday, I have a different kind of party planned for you." He says smugly. I start to have second thoughts.
"Thomas? Are you okay? Has the macaroni gone to your head?" Was barely wrapping my head around the situation when he pulled me into his home and down one of the many halls. Thomas reassuringly patted me on the back.
"Don't worry about me.~ We're going to have fun! You'll see!" He leads me into his room, and I was certainly impressed, the expensive taste he had was hard to explain in words, or explain in general. He leads me to his bed. I sit down on it, and he quickly brings out some champagne from a closet, holding it up like a trophy.
"I've been saving this for a while, fine champagne, 1787, got it in France!" He smiles, seeming delighted. I smile politely, wondering if he was drunk or just hopped up on whatever French food he had been eating.

Jefferson POV***

Madison still had no idea what was going on, and I intended to keep it that way. I got out some champagne glasses and handed them to Madison with the bottle. He shrugged and set the glasses down on the nightstand, pouring the champagne. I grin, taking that moment to shed my overcoat and unbutton my shirt. Madison looked up to see me in all my glory. I saw his cheeks flush with pink, his eyes wide with surprise and a subtly impressed moan.
"Like what you see Madison?~" He asks. He shakes his head to clear his thoughts.
"Y-Yeah I do actually..." He takes off his overcoat, and sets it aside carefully. I grin, pouncing in him with reckless abandon, pinning him to the bed with his hands by his head. Madison moans meekly, looking up at me with some form of obedience. I unbutton my shirt, and take it off, tossing it aside. I start to unbutton his shirt, and Madison took that time to unbutton my pants. I smile.
"Good boy.~" Madison blushes in response, whimpering as I take his pants off. His length was pressed against his boxers, essentially fully erect. I palmed his length, gently rubbing my hand in. Madison moans quietly, bucking his hips up into my hand. I slowly take off my pants along with my boxers, and I saw Madison look down at my crotch, my fully erect manhood standing proudly at attention. Madison whimpers.
"Who's topping?" He asks meekly. I laugh quietly.
"Well clearly not you sweet cheeks...~" I turn him over, bare ass spread wide for me to use as I pleased. I grabbed the vegetable oil from my nightstand and lubed up a few of my fingers, and gently lubing up Madison's tight little ass. He moans quietly, clearly very excited.

Madison POV***

I moan sharply as Jefferson slips a finger into me, plunging it in deep. His fingers were so long and wide. Holy hell. He allowed me to get used to that before very careful slipping another finger into me. I moan deeply.
      "Ahhh...~ Thomas I feel so full already...~" I whine. He grins.
      "Oh just wait a moment...~" He purrs, pulling his fingers out after a moment. I feel his tip press against my tight hole, and I bite my lip hard, moaning in pain and pleasure as he slowly pushed deep inside me.
       "Ah!!~ Thomas!!~" I manage to say, gripping the bedsheets tightly. Thomas growls, suddenly starting to thrust into me. I force myself to not tense up, tears springing to my eyes.
      "T-Thomas! Please!!" I hate to admit how amazing it felt. I felt the bed start rocking as he started picking up his pace. Jefferson grabbed my waist, starting to pull himself into me. I could feel the pressure building, intense heat in my stomach. Thomas suddenly moaned loudly, and I felt a warm sensation inside me as I came along with him, shaking from the intensity.
      "T-Thomas!!!~~" I manage to squeak out, pushing my face into a pillow. Thomas slowly pulls out of me.
       "Doll you were amazing.~ Such a perfect little plaything.~" He grins smugly. I look up at him weakly.
       "Thomas not right now... I want to sleep..." I say quietly, picking up the glass of champagne I poured earlier, downing it in a few sips. Thomas grins, drinking his as well.
        "Fair enough.~ Feel free to stay another night.~ I won't mind."

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